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Briefly describe what you think the article is about. Explain why you do or do not believe that the headline actually represents the focus of the article.

Details of task: AT1 comprises your responses to FOUR short tasks of 500 words (or equivalent) each, giving a total of 2,000 words +/- 10% for the assignment. Everything in the body of your paper (e.g., headings, in-text citations) contributes to your word count. Your reference list and appendix files (if applicable) do not contribute to your word count. Your reference list should be included at the conclusion of the assignment as a whole.

For all assessments in this unit, please write in the first person and use headings and subheadings to organise your writing.

Each task is associated with one topic’s content in the unit. The task is closely aligned with that topic’s work and will require you to engage with the materials for that topic (online lecture, tutorial material, readings, videos, etc.).

TASK 1: Topic 1 – Introduction (500 words)

You have encountered a range of definitions of the term “numeracy” in the teaching materials in Topic 1 of EDF5017, and should now be familiar with the official definition of numeracy in the Australian Curriculum. You also now know more about the relationship between numeracy and mathematics.

Ask TWO people who are not enrolled in EDF5017, or who have not previously completed EDF5017, the following questions:

1. What is numeracy?

2. How are numeracy and mathematics related?

Evaluate the two people’s responses to both of these questions in light of what you now know about numeracy and its relationship to mathematics, drawing on relevant literature. Compare what your participants say and what you have learned about the relationship between mathematics and numeracy. You can use quotations from your participants to illustrate any points that you wish to make as part of your discussion. You should also provide some background/demographic information (e.g., education, age, gender, occupation) about your participants. Please use pseudonyms for your participants rather than their real names.

N.B. If you wish to include full transcripts of the two interviews, these should be added in an appendix. The transcripts are not included in your word count for the assignment.

TASK 2: Topic 2 – Persuasive Writing/Literacy (500 words)

Carefully read the Sydney Morning Herald article (“Australian students go backwards in maths, reading and science: Report”) found at https://www.smh.com.au/education/australian-students-go-backwards-in-maths-reading-and-science-report-20180225-p4z1mx.html

  1.  Briefly describe what you think the article is about. Explain why you do or do not believe that the headline actually represents the focus of the article. (50 words)
  2.  Copy this table. Fill in the data on the percentages of Australian 15-year-old students who reached international benchmarks in mathematics, reading, and science, based on the information provided in the article. (equivalent to 50 words)
Percentage of students reaching international benchmark in 2006 Percentage of students reaching international benchmark in 2015 Change in percentage of students reaching international benchmark, from 2006 to 2015
  1.  Represent the data from the table graphically so that clear, visual comparisons can be made across the three subject areas and between the two years. (equivalent to 100 words)

    4.  With respect to what is written in the article, how meaningful are the data that have been provided? In your response, you should consider all the data provided in the article. (100 words)

    5.  Explain why you do or do not think that the author is persuasive in attempting to convince readers to believe that Australian students are actually “go[ing] backwards in maths, reading and science.” In your response, you should refer to what you have learned about the links between numeracy and persuasive writing techniques, drawing on academic literature to support your claims. (200 words)

TASK 3: Topic 3 – Sustainability (500 words)

You are required to connect two domains of the Australian Curriculum:

  • numeracy (general capability)
  • sustainability (cross-curriculum priority)
  1. Describe a project for a school, a community, OR a home that contributes to sustainable living. Ensure that this project is financially (and otherwise) feasible and realistic. The project should be suitable for students at the level that you will be qualified to teach. The project cannot be one that was completed in class in EDF5017. (250 words)

    2. Carefully describe the numeracy demands that are inherent in the project/initiative, making links to the numeracy general capability in the Australian Curriculum. (250 words)

N.B. If you want to develop and include an information sheet about the project, it should be included as an appendix file. The information sheet will not contribute to the word count of the assignment.

TASK 4: Topic 4 – Financial Literacy (500 words)

Financial literacy is a crucial aspect of teachers’ professional capabilities. In this task, you will focus on financial literacy for teachers by planning an excursion or school event (e.g., play, concert) for students in a year level (or levels) and subject area that you are qualified to teach.

  1. Describe the excursion/event and explain how it is relevant to the year level(s) and subject area, by making links to the Australian Curriculum. (150 words)
  2. Provide your calculations and justifications for the costs involved in the excursion/event (e.g., transportation, food). (equivalent to 150 words)
  3. Explain how the planning the excursion/event develops both your social and mathematical thinking as a teacher, per Sawatzki’s (2014, 2017) explanation. Links to the Sawatzki publications are provided in the Financial Literacy ‘book’ on Moodle. (200 words)
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