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Describe how the concepts and theoretical approaches of your first social science field contribute to the understanding of your social problem.

Comparison of Two Social Science Disciplines
The purpose of the Final Paper is for you to demonstrate the learning achieved in the course by integrating the course material into a study that considers a social issue (which you selected in Week 1) from the viewpoint of two different social science fields (selected in Week 2).

This week, you will bring your efforts together to write your Final Paper by articulating an argument that describes three key differences between the two social science fields as evidenced by the two articles from your Week 2 and Week 3 assignments. You will also explain how the use of the two social science articles or fields in examining your specific topic produced a more complete understanding compared to examining the topic from only one perspective.

In your Final Paper, be sure to incorporate the feedback provided by your instructor on the Week 2 Assignment and Week 3 Assignment.

In your paper,

Introduce the social problem and the two social science fields you will use to explore it.
State the thesis of your paper.
Two Viewpoints on One Social Issue
Explain the social problem you chose using relevant concepts from the course.
Describe how the concepts and theoretical approaches of your first social science field contribute to the understanding of your social problem.
Describe the qualitative or quantitative research method(s) the author(s) used and why they were chosen.
Describe how the concepts and theoretical approaches of your second social science field contribute to the understanding of your social problem.
Describe the qualitative or quantitative research method(s) the author(s) used and why they were chosen.
Discuss three key differences between the approaches or findings of your two chosen social science fields.
Usefulness of Approaching the Issue from Two Social Science Fields
Discuss how examining social issues from more than one social science field contributes to understanding society.
Explain how the interdisciplinary approach of looking at your problem from more than one social science perspective helps you to gain a more complete understanding of your social issue compared to using only one perspective.
Sum up the primary points of paper.
Restate your thesis.

The Final Paper

Must be five to six double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s APA Style (Links to an external site.) resource.
Must include a separate title page with the following:
Title of paper
Student’s name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted

Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.

Must use at least two scholarly or peer-reviewed sources in addition to the course text.

Must document any information used from sources in APA Style as outlined

Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center

the thesis statement needs to include at least two consequences of your issue and at least two factors associated with your issue as well.

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