Hospital Readmission in Patients with Heart Failure
- Search for at least 5 authoritative national and/or global data sources such as websites, data sites, and/or documents that are relevant to the focus of your proposed manuscript. (Hospital readmission in patients with heart failure)
Search for and identify at least five authoritative national and/or global data sources such as web sites, data sites, and/or documents for health-related information.
b. Include data from public and private agencies or stakeholders that participate in providing, monitoring, advocacy, and cost analysis/reporting for the aspect of health care addressed in your proposed manuscript.2.Use only authoritative sources such as Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Institutes of Health (NIH), American Heart Association (AHA), American World Health Organization (WHO)), and/or peer-reviewed journal articles.
c. Include data to address the dimensions of prevalence, incidence, risk factors, and the social, economic, and human suffering costs/implications.