Teams will discuss published, peer-reviewed research reports found from an online library literature search and organize their literature by topic. The discussion will include what is known in the literature about a topic and where the gaps (areas that need to be researched) in knowledge are.Teams will discuss the literature found by all members in the TEAM discussion thread. Individual members should have their own journal articles (no duplicates please) to discuss.7. This Activity requires 400 or more words, with minimum of 2 references. Proofreading for spelling, grammar, and punctuation is needed along with SPA formatting for the references.The peer-reviewed journal articles need to have all of the following that can be reported from the article (not needed for this assignment but will be needed for the next assignment which will use these same articles): Authors, Year, Location Research question, independent and dependent variables Sample size, sampling method, and sample characteristics Research design Steps taken to protect human subjects Statistical answers to the research question(s), including statistically significant findings, p values, statistical test values, etc.