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Describe the organization. What is their issue and why is it important to “the greater good”?

Case Study Analysis Course Project
The assignment:
First: Choose 1 Interest Group from the list to create a case study analysis assessment paper.
Interest Group:
1. The National Rifle Association (NRA)

Second: Address each of the 10 prompts using these headers. Use a full and complete paragraph for each prompt (minimum- see grading rubric). A full paragraph is 4-5 complete sentences which fully answer the question.
See requirements below. The numbers noting the questions are ONLY to assist you in completing the assignment. You are NOT to answer with numbers or bullet points. This project must be in a case study analysis paragraph format answering EACH of these questions using ML citation style INCLUDING intent parenthetical citations.
Intercultural Competence (header)
[Analyze the contrasting outlooks, perspectives and value sets of various cultures]
1. Describe the organization. What is their issue and why is it important to “the greater good”?
2. Find a competing group (either a group on the opposite side of the issue or a group that is competing with them for resources) and describe them.

  1. Which group is doing better to secure resources and accomplish their goal? Be specific, use statistical and relevant data and analyze.
  2. Name one situation where your group opponent has a valid point and might be winning the debate, accomplishing its goals or is more successful in obtaining competing resources.

Knowledge of Civic Responsibility (header)
[Shows in-depth ability to analyze the effects of an individual carrying out civic responsibility and the effects of not doing so]
5. What do they ask for from their members?

  1. What do they give their members in selective incentives to be a part of their effort?
  2. If you were a believer in this issue, why would it be important to be a member of this group?

Engaging effectively in regional, national, and global communities (header)

[In-depth analysis of regional, national and/or global communities’ or organizations’ abilities to solve specific problems. Cite real life examples or evidence that demonstrate engagement]

  1. What are some different issues this group faces when they operate locally with in the United States, nationally and internationally?
  2. How is the group a social group and how is it a political group?
  3. What happens to this group and its issue if people don’t get involved?
    Analysis Requirements
    Cover page: Includes Your name; GOVT 2301; CW ID; Term (Fall 2018 etc.) ; Prof. P. Odd.
    Times New Roman 12-point font
    This must be in WORD or PDF format
    Double spaced
    Introduction paragraph briefly outlining what you are going to be analyzing (not part of the 10-paragraph minimum)
    Conclusion paragraph briefly reiterating what you analyzed and provided supporting evidence of (not part of the 10-paragraph minimum).
    Minimum of 10 complete paragraphs answering each of the 10 questions (approx. 1000-1500 words)
    Utilize proper in text parenthetical citations and a compiled work cited page using ML format
    Page numbers according to ML style (not cover page)
    Utilize a minimum of 6 legitimate sources: In general a thorough analysis/case study would have 8-10 sources.
    – textbooks
    – Center for Responsive Politics https://www.opensecrets.org/
    – Vote Smart https://votesmart.org/
    -Texans for public justice http://www.tpj.org/
    – Library of Congress https://www.loc.gov/rr/main/alcove9/usgov/intgroups.html
    -TAMMUZ library databases such as
    Academic Search Complete
    -Best websites include .ed/org/gov
    Your sources must be legitimate and less than 10 years old
    You may utilize graphs/charts/tables (But they are not part of word count, but do add analysis points- see grading rubric).
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