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Discuss the complex need and co-morbidities of patients with identified long term sickness and critically analyzing the decision making on the interventions.


ESSAY PLAN/GUIDE:      STROKE (CVA) – A Patient Scenario

  • Briefly explain what patient assessment you are focusing on for this essay
  • In answering the question, give a background knowledge by applying and discussing the knowledge of physiology, pathophysiology and patho-psychology of Define stroke and classifications/types of stroke, UK Statistics and discuss Stroke risk factors (Modifiable and nonmodifiable).  The financial burden on NHS.
  • Reasons for choosing the topic, analyze different types of interventions and rationales. Discuss about the impact of the disease on patients and their quality of life, economic reasons and others.
  • Discuss the assessment and management of the illness, using the Nursing Management Assessment to diagnoses, make plans and medical interventions.
  • Using Framework and Clinical Illness Framework. NHS Framework.
  • Explain the use of underpinning theories of Roper Longan framework. Facilitate a discussion using imaginable patient’s profile.
  • Discuss the complex need and co-morbidities of patients with identified long term sickness and critically analyzing the decision making on the interventions.
  • Analyze my role as a nurse in the assessment and critically analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of a range of possible evidence-based interventions in the acute and community setting.
  • Recognize and interpret by demonstrating critical understanding, the signs of acute deterioration physiological impact of stroke or a change in dependency, in physical or mental health enabling the appropriate respo
  • Demonstrate understanding of diagnostic and laboratory data and using framework and assessment tools.
  • Undertake an appropriate systematic, comprehensive, holistic assessment that enables immediate and personalized care, for people patient with stroke and other physical health problems using Assessment tools/systematic approach eg. ABCDEF/ABCD2, Roper Model to meet the needs of the patient
  • Identify and apply a systematic and comprehensive assessment to facilitate the recognition of risk for service users, carers and health care professionals, and the appropriate respo Evaluate researchers’ outcome.
  • Follow National guidelines to inform my care practice. NHS framework (NICE guidelines, local policies).
  • Applying problem solving through critical thinking, deductive and inductive reasoning. Effective communication by Involving patients and family in care.
  • Discuss the roles of multidisciplinary team, collaborative care with patient and family with long term illness, promoting recovery and prevent deteriorations or complications.
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