MOI Worksheet The MOI report is an influential set of recommendations that is being used to shape nursing practice in the US now and in the future. The committee established four key messages about nursing:1.Nurses should practice to the full extent of their education and training.2.Nurses should achieve higher levels of education and training through an improved education system that promotes seamless academic progression.3.Nurses should be full partners¬–with physicians and other health professionals–in redesigning health care in the United States.4. Effective workforce planning and policy making require better data collection and an improved information infrastructure.Each of these recommendations is affected by multiple factors at the organizational, local, state, and national levels. In turn, each message affects multiple systems. As we’ve learned, different aspects of healthcare interrelate with one another, and changing one can have an unexpected effect on “downstream” outcomes.For this worksheet, identify which of the four key messages you want to address, and answer the following questions:1.What key message did you choose? Why do you think the MOI chose to emphasize this particular message/what is its purported significance? 2.What are the factors that affect that message, for good or bad? On an organizational level? Local? State? National? 3. Have you seen changes on this key message being pursued? If so, what are they and where? 4.What are the expected outcomes of those efforts? Do you think these will be accomplished? Why or why not? 5.What is one recommendation you would make to your organization to promote the key message you chose, and why?