Choose an individual who you consider to be an effective leader (For this paper consider a fictional manager or a teacher for leadership) and write about them.
Research the various leadership theories and methods.
-Write an essay detailing the selected individual’s leadership style and approaches in relationship to his or her communication through the following:
-Use Charles Handy’s six methods of influence to analyze how the leader influences others and pose potential methods that might improve communication effectiveness.
-Apply different theories related to leadership styles to describe the leader’s communication and specify which might be most effective in explaining the communication.
-Describe which of Goleman’s six leadership styles best fits the leader.
-Identify the leader’s position on the Tannenbaum-Schmidt leadership continuum.
-Analyze the leader’s place in the Blake and Mouton Managerial Grid.
-Analyze the leader’s communication using Hersey and Blanchard’s situational leadership theory and potential changes using situational leadership that could improve communication.
-Using French and Raven’s description of five leadership power types, explain how the leader communicates and potential shifts in the use of power bases that could improve communication.