Math 211Name:2020Signature Assignment1. To study about the correlation between height and shoe size, you need to collect a sample of nine (9) people usingasystematic sampling method.
a. What is the population of people? Where and how are you going to collect your sample? Does your sampleaccurately represent your population? Why or why not?
b. Collect the sample and record the data. Use a single unit for height, do not use a mixed unit like feet andinches. Completely ignore the fact that men and women have different shoe size scales, it is not important.Person 1Person 2Person 3Person 4Person 5Person 6Person 7Person 8Person 9HeightShoe Size2. (CLO 1) Construct a confidence interval to estimate the mean height and the mean weight by completing thefollowing:
a. Find the sample mean and sample standard deviation of the height. Denote them as ̄xands ̄xrespectively.
b. Find the sample mean and sample standard deviation of the shoe sizes. Denote them as ̄yands ̄yrespectively.
c. Construct and interpret 98% confidence interval to estimate the mean height of the population.
d. Construct and interpret 98% confidence interval to estimate the mean shoe size of the population.