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Develop the form that will be used to capture change requests and the log that will be used by the project manager to record status of each request. Include a section that describes how the scope of the project will be confirmed when you are ready to close the project.

You are preparing for a scoping meeting with the project stakeholders and other key subjectmatter
experts. During this meeting, you will review the detailed requirements and identify any remaining open areas. You will also review the scope management system you will use and obtain their consensus. Continue work on the project plan by documenting the scope management system that will be used on the project (2 pages, include a decision tree/flow chart). Describe the request review turnaround
time and define the approvals needed (3 4 paragraphs). Develop the form that will be used to capture change requests and the log that will be used by the project manager to record status of each request. Include a section that describes how the scope of the project will be confirmed when you are ready to close the project (1 page).

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