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Select an important historical figure or topic from U.S. History, 1865 to the Present. Write a Research Paper.

Instructions: Select an important historical figure or topic from U.S. History, 1865 to the Present. Write a Research Paper making sure you include the following:

1. A strong introduction which establishes your theme or thesis.

2. An identification of the historical figure or topic by giving appropriate background and biographical information.

3. Utilization of proper spelling and grammar. Use the past tense unless your subject is still alive.

4. A strong conclusion that sums up the major points. Be sure to discuss your critical evaluations of the sources weighing their strengths and weaknesses. Make sure you also include your own observations, opinions, findings, and critical analysis.

5. The paper must be 5-7 typed pages, double-spaced with one inch margins. (Papers can be longer than 7pages but not shorter than 5). Handwritten papers will not be accepted. Long quotes, footnotes (or endnotes) should be single spaced.

6. Number your pages. Page numbers may appear either at the top or bottom of each page.

7. Make an extra copy for yourself.

8. Late papers will not be accepted. No exceptions. No excuses. No sad stories accepted.

9. The font size for your paper should be 12 point. (Example: This document is typed in 12 point).

10. Print style should be Times New Roman or Courier New.

11. Use the Chicago Manual of Style which include proper footnoting or endnoting. That means click “Reference” and then “Insert Endnote” or “Insert Footnote” and then follow the example given on Moodle Do NOT use the MLA or APA style.

12. You MUST footnote the end of each and every paragraph unless the information in that paragraph is 100% original to you and you alone—otherwise, it is plagiarism.

13. The paper must include a bibliography at the very end listing a minimum of five scholarly book sources (i.e., college level and not children’s books, etc.) and one Internet source, and then you may use reference works, textbooks, encyclopedias, additional Internet sources, etc. Do not use Wikipedia. It is not a reliable source.

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