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Evaluate potential challenges (current and predicted) faced by Debenhams and recommend actions that Debenhams could implement to secure its survival.

  1. According to Katherine Bahamonde Monasebian, chief digital and technology officer at Barneys, “It’s easy to say Amazon killed department stores, millennials killed department stores, but it’s actually a confluence of a lot of things.” (BOF – April 2019). “For way too long, bricks-and-mortar retailers have allowed their stores to be warehouses full of product with a till at the door and poor service,” says Sergio Bucher, ex chief executive of Debenhams (Drapers Sept 2018).
    Debenhams is a UK department store who has seen turbulent times in recent years.
    The restrictions imposed by the UK government amid the Covid-19 outbreak pushed Debenhams to file a notice to appoint a “light touch” administration and furlough most of their 22,000 employees. Once the restrictions were lifted, Debenhams resumed trading in around 90 stores in England on 15 June, with a remaining 30 UK stores planned to open at a later date. Drapers 28th May 2020. “In the context of a retail industry undergoing profound change, the management team is working on the future shape of the group, with a view to seeking an exit from administration as a
    going concern. With a leaner and more flexible operating model, Debenhams will have the ability to adapt to what are likely to be fundamental shifts in the future trading environment.”
    The 3,000-word report should outline your research findings and recommend strategic actions that Debenhams should have taken in the past and could take in the future to secure business success and their survival. Drawing on lessons learnt in completing the simulated game and on your knowledge of Debenhams strategy past and present, evaluate actions taken by Debenhams in an attempt to survive as a business. Draw comparison from competing department stores (both physical and digital) and analyse the actions they have taken to secure their future. In appraising
    Debenhams strategy, review the department store model and evaluate the future of this fashion retail business model.

    • An investigation into Debenhams corporate strategy, past and present – underpinned with strategic theories.
    • Comparison to be drawn between Debenhams strategic approach and other competing retailers. (John Lewis and Marks&Spencer)
    Chapter 3 (approx. 800 words):
    • Discuss research findings in light of Debenhams strategy by presenting key themes that emerged from your research, assessing the effectiveness of Debenhams strategy and their current business model in securing their future.
    • Evaluate potential challenges (current and predicted) faced by Debenhams and recommend actions that Debenhams could implement to secure its survival.
    Conclusion (approx. 300 words):
    • Address the aim and objectives.
    • Discuss limitations (research and other).
    • Suggest areas for further research.
    Pls, add aspects you find to SWOT analysis its marked red.

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