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Explain the difference between strategic, tactical, and operational controls. What tactical control reporting areas must be used to monitor the Human Resources department?

1. Review the Better Health Association of Central Ohio Case Study, The Case Continues, the Organizational Overview and the Financial Statement (all items attached).
2. Review the Human Resources “PLAN” document (attached).
3. Review and be familiar with the Mission, Vision, and Strategic Goals (shown in the “CONTROL_template”, attached).
4. Use the “CONTROL_template” to write the paper (attached).
o Describe the steps of the control process.
o Discuss the control mechanisms and their function that you will put in place to monitor the performance of the plan. (“PLAN” document attached for reference/context)
o Explain the difference between strategic, tactical, and operational controls. What tactical control reporting areas must be used to monitor the Human Resources department?
5. Follow the instructions [RED, IN BRACKETS] in the attached “CONTROL_template” to complete the paper.
o Note: Keep in mind monitoring and evaluating the level of progress with a strategic or tactical plan is critical to its success since the business environment is constantly changing. Leaders or managers who fail to do this risk that their best developed plan fails.
6. The plan needs to be 3 pages in length, not including any appendices and references you may wish to include. Use APA format in the body and the references of your work.
7. Include a minimum of one reference and citation from the textbook (Kinicki, A., & Williams, B. (2013). Management: A practical introduction. (6th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin.) or a scholarly article.

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