As Social Work and Human Services professionals, many times we are face with decisions that create ethical Dilemmas. Using the Hierarchy of Ethical Principles, Social Work Code of Ethics, and the Ethical Decision-Making Chart, determine the appropriate course of action for the scenario provided.
1. Identify the Ethical Issues, including the social work values and ethics that conflict.
2. Identify the individuals, groups, and organizations that are likely to be Affected by the ethical decision.
3. Tentatively identify all possible Courses of Action and the participants involved in each, along with possible benefits and risks for each.
4. Thoroughly examine the reasons in favor of and opposed to each possible Course of Action, considering relevant (a) ethical theories, principles, and guidelines; (b) NASW codes of ethics; (c) hierarchy of ethical principles; (d) the Ethical Decision Making Chart, and (e) personal values (including religious, cultural, and ethnic values and political ideology)