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Explain what this video and article on big data are about. Indicate some of the ways that big data is being used. Provide at least 5 different big data uses. List as 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, & 2e. rr

Complete the following and then answer the accompanying discussion questions. (1) View the following video in Youtube: ”

(2) Read the Bloomberg.com article from Tuesday, April 28, 2020: “How China is attempting to prevent a second wave” at:

How china is attempting to prevent a second wave of infections Pay particular attention to the section on: Tracking Apps. rr Provide discussion answers to the following questions. The answers should be presented in complete sentences and the sentences should be more than just one or two word answers. Be descriptive.

1.Explain what this video and article on big data are about.

2.Indicate some of the ways that big data is being used. Provide at least 5 different big data uses. List as 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, & 2e. rr

3.Should there be a law that limits the use of Big Data? Why or why not? Provide your thoughts on this topic.

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