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Critically examine how entrepreneurs manage networks and relationships. Identify sources of finance for developing a business and how to manage risk.

Introduction: Entrepreneurship starts with an idea. This idea, in turn, should be demonstrable and feasibly executory through the Business Plan. As a tool, the Business Plan is used to start, run, and grow the venture that undergoes refinement overtime. Its importance is two-fold: Firstly, to obtain funding and, secondly, to set out what you seek to achieve and how to achieve it. It is for these reasons that as MBA students, the module has been tailored fit for your deep and extensive awareness of what entrepreneurship is all about.

This examination will gauge what you have gained from the module. You are expected to develop a well-thought-out START UP BUSINESS PLAN with the given structure.

Demonstrate an understanding of the running of a business venture.

Apply key entrepreneurship and small business theories and principles.

Critically examine how entrepreneurs manage networks and relationships.

Identify sources of finance for developing a business and how to manage risk.

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