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Write an academic essay addressing the essay questions and critically debating the topic. Discuss implications for HRM processes and identify contextual elements relevant to the topic.


Write an academic essay addressing the essay questions and critically debating the topic. Discuss implications for HRM processes and identify contextual elements relevant to the topic.

Why are performance appraisals conducted to formally assess an employee’s organizational performance? Using appropriate academic HRM theory debate the usefulness and relevance of performance appraisals in modern employment relationships.

As this is an academic and applied task you must include in-text citations (in Part 2) and a reference list in APA format. Note that the reference list does not count towards your word limit.

IMPORTANT: You need to submit your assignment through CANVAS (NOT Turnitin.com)

Only submit once to Turnitin when you are sure that your assignment is complete.

Assignments will be marked in Speedgrader through Canvas and you will receive comments and a numeric grade out of 30


Do not use websites and HRM ‘how to’ lists as your sources for part 2. Use academic articles to support your justification.

Consult the grading rubric for weighting of marks and expected standards.

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