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Explain the main message of the plot. What is the point the author(s) is trying to make? Identify any limitations of relying just on these data (as they relate to interpretation).

Part A. Creating and validating a measure (15)
a) Recent tragic events as the result of firearm use have sparked an interest in mental health screening for firearm ownership. Create a screening measure for mental health as it would apply to firearm purchase/ownership. List the 5 items.
b) In addition to these 5 questions, include at least 3 questions about background/demographic information that will provide relevant information to the construct you are measuring. List the 3+ questions.
c) In a few sentences, describe how you would validate your measurement based on what you learned from course readings and instruction.
Part B. Interpreting a unique scatterplot. (Complete individually.) (5)
a) Find a unique scatterplot from any source (e.g., online news, journal article); copy and paste the graph.
b) Explain the main message of the plot. What is the point the author(s) is trying to make?
c) Identify any limitations of relying just on these data (as they relate to interpretation).
Part C. Interpreting a unique reliability coefficient. (Complete individually.) (5)
a) Find a unique reliability coefficient (or several) from a real test (ideally one that you’ll be using for your Final Paper).
b) Report the type(s) of reliability and the coefficient(s).
c) In your own words, describe what the coefficient(s) measured and your confidence in the measure as a result.

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