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Briefly discuss your specific intervention with this client. Be specific and identify the course of action you will take to address the priority needs of this client (one page). Utilize one authoritative source to support your response.

SOWK 595 – Competency 9: Evaluate practice with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities Figueroa Case Vignette Ethical dilemma and practice evaluationMs. Figueroa is a 28 year-old female who is developmentally disabled with an IQ of 75. She lives in a group home for developmentally disabled adults and has steady employment in the kitchen of a large hospital. She has held this job for six years and seems to be well-liked by her employer. She likes the routine of the job and does not have any interest in learning new skills. She is seeking your services because of her frustration with the group home administrators who have restricted her privileges. It has come to their attention that she is sexually active with a number of men (all of whom are also developmentally disabled) and is not using birth control because she wants to have a baby. The group home administrators do not believe she is capable of raising a child and question her ability to comprehend the decisions she is making. They are restricting her from being able to date until she is willing to use birth control. Ms. Figueroa sees this as a restriction of her rights and is extremely angry and upset. She enjoys the friendship with these men and is lonely and depressed at the thought of staying home all the time.
●Identify and discuss the ethical dilemma presented for you in this case and your reasons for it being a dilemma (remember ethical dilemmas are based on your struggle with two opposing values). Be sure to give a clear understanding of why this is an ethical dilemma (and not merely a common dilemma) for you. (One page max).

●Examine and discuss how you will evaluate any personal biases and stereotypes that may arise. Examine and identify potential triggers, and ways you may react to this scenario, that could impact your view of the client and her personal desires.

●Discuss the legal mandates that apply in this case. Use authoritative sources from state or federal statutes that set forth the client’s rights and your professional obligation to the client regarding her desired plans and ability to make autonomous decisions about her sexuality (no more than two and a half pages). For research purposes start with the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities). Use at least two additional sources to support your discussion

●Briefly discuss your specific intervention with this client. Be specific and identify the course of action you will take to address the priority needs of this client (one page). Utilize one authoritative source to support your response.

●Discuss how you will evaluate your practice with this client to determine effectiveness. Use authoritative sources from the readings to support your answers (2 pages max)Your paper should be 5-7 pages excluding title page and references. You must utilize proper APA formatting and citations as well as proper sentence structure, transitions, grammar and punctuation.

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