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In what ways do you act as a scientist during the course of a workday? Describe how you have felt about the topic of research and any changes in viewpoint you are experiencing.

Consumers of Research
In your personal and professional life, it is important to be a well-informed consumer of research.
• How do you separate misinformation or unsupported claims (such as those from publishers or advertisers) from research-based information? Trustworthiness vs. non-trustworthiness?
• Describe how you have felt about the topic of research and any changes in viewpoint you are experiencing.
• How have you approached reading research articles?
Your original post MUST include information from a professional, scholarly source that is cited in APA style and a complete bibliographic entry in APA 7th format style at the conclusion of the post.
Which must include a citation from at least one source.
If your source has a doi (digital object identifier), it should be included. DOIs in a reference are formatted as URLs.

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