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Analyze your organization using these five parts and three of the components that best describe your organization. How do these components contribute to your organization’s success (or weakness)?

Discussion 1 Parts of an Organization: On page 20 of the text, Henry Mintzburg’s five parts of an organization are illustrated in Exhibit 1.5A and on page 21, these are broken out into their components. Analyze your organization using these five parts and three of the components that best describe your organization. How do these components contribute to your organization’s success (or weakness)? Comment on at least three of your fellow students’ initial posts. Link your answer to concepts from Unit 1 readings.
Discussion 2 Ethical Responsibilities: In his interview before the 13th World Human Resource Conference, Henry Mintzberg said that an ethical leader is one “who cares about the consequences of his actions.” He speaks of externalities – “if you can’t pin it on me, I don’t have to care about it. … These days, with global warming and everything else, there is no such thing anymore as an externality.” On pages 10 and 11 of the text, the author introduces the idea of ethics and social responsibility.

How does Mintzberg’s view of externalities impact the ethical responsibility of today’s corporation? Do externalities still exist, and if so, give an example? How are corporations held accountable for externalities, if at all?

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