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Does this have to do with class – can the class be broken down by education? What are today’s impacts of the class system in the UK.

This presentation will discuss the lasting legacy of the class system in the UK using current examples.

It will be discussed from a Political psychology point of view. It does not have to follow a usual historical route but background of the class system will need to briefly be included. Throughout the presentations arguments and examples of the class systems still existing will need to be presented – such as Grenfell tower (those living in Grenfell could be classed as lower class). The breaking down of the class system happening – for example Prince Harry marrying outside of the Royal class, Cambridge and Oxford universities looking to increase diversity in applicants. Another discussion point from a social psychology point of view how people will see it as a badge of honor to be working class, is there an ’embarrement’ around being middle class. Is it not that we are such a classes society but a capitalist society. Would be good to look at how economically/ socially mobile people in the UK compared to other countries – Does this have to do with class – can the class be broken down by education? Fianlly – what are today’s impacts of the class system in the UK.

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