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Examine the impact of using etymology as a teaching method to aid English vocabulary acquisition by observing and talking to students.

Detailed Instructions for Writing this Research Proposal.

An outline of this research proposal and the initial ideas about the methodological approach (in bullet-point format).

Consider the following research question:
“Examine the impact of using etymology as a teaching method to aid English vocabulary acquisition by observing and talking to students”
Review the attached readings in the PDF files, and make special use and reference to the book “Doing Your Research Project” contained in the attached PDF file called “Doing Your Research Project 3Ed” and devise a methodology that could be used to explore the above research question.
This research proposal should include the following elements:
• (10 points) Introduction – introduction of problem or area of interest, description of question, research purpose, key concepts/variables and their operational definitions, and discussion of the potential significance of the project (e.g. theoretical and practical significance of the research, implications of anticipated findings). USE at least 6 references to support the ideas and statements!
• (20 points) Methodology
o a brief description of the study design: (a) description of the proposed methodological approach and its justification (use 1-2 references!), (b) a description of data collection strategies, instruments, participants and the sampling strategy, (c) data analysis strategies, (d) limitations and delimitations of the approach, (e) potential ethical issues
• (10 points) References/ Proper writing style: Text is well organized, legible and conforms to the style and grammatical conventions that match the purpose of the writing. APA format is followed for writing, citations and reference list. Where material is copied from published and unpublished sources, this is noted and attribution provided, including copyright approval where appropriate. Sources are properly referenced.
You do NOT need to develop instruments for data collection or any other background materials (do not create survey or interview questions, consent forms, etc.)
This research proposal should be 11 pages (excluding reference and title page) and follow the APA format. Paragraphs: double spaced. Margins: between 1 inch (min.) and 1.25 inches (max.) on all sides. Font size: 12. Font type: Times New Roman or Arial. APA style for citations must be used.

Please refer to the attached Word file to confirm these detailed instructions for accuracy.

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