Day 1:
Introduce “I Went Walking”. The teacher introduces the book by giving a very short summary of it, and discusses the cover by pointing out the front of the book and indicating that the words are the title or name of the book. After reading the author’s name as well as that of the illustrator, the teacher goes on to read the title page. The teacher reads aloud, encouraging the students to join in the reading of the repeating pattern, “I went walking” and What did you see?” The purposes of the reading on Day 1 are to enjoy a book and to encourage students to notice the repeating patterns and participate at their own comfort level.
Ask the students to make predictions regarding what they think the story might be about. The teacher leads students in a brief discussion of their reactions to the book.
What animal in the story do you like?
What color in the story you like?
Day 2
Show the cover of I Went Walking and read the title and the name of the author and illustrator aloud. Read the story aloud, slowly and clearly. As you read, use your finger to point to the illustration of each animal mentioned in the text. Tell the students that now the class will read the story chorally. Show them the pointer and remind them that you will use the pointer to help them follow along and read the same words at the same time. read the story and use the pointer to point distinctly under each word as it is read. If you notice the students struggling to stay together or read at the same volume, stop reading, review your expectations, and start again.
When you are finished reading, ask:
Q What happens at the end of this story
Remind the students that high-frequency words are words that they will see again and again in their reading – I and see
They will practice by reading the word and spelling it. Have the students read I and see and spell I and see as you point to the word. Have them read, spell, and read the word again.
Day 3
Rhythm: The teacher read aloud, encouraging. the students to join the reading of the repeating pattern, “I went walking, What did you see?” Encourage students to notice repeating patterns and participate.
Read aloud (15): When you are finished reading, ask:
Q What happens at the end of this story
- Review that in the last lesson the students learned the high-frequency words I, see, and a and found them in the story. Explain that today they will learn and find two new high-frequency words. Question: Do you see the word you or me on these pages? Where?
Day 4
Role Play (15): For “I Went Walking”, Student will have to understand the context, the personality of the characters, have a good understanding of the language, and make sure that they have enough space to rephrase and act. Observe illustrations in the book and discuss ideas about the setting, the time, the characters and the storyline. Ask if students have any real-life experiences related to the story. Choose students for each role and practice including body language and facial expression to match the character.
Day 5
Role Play (15): For “I Went Walking”, students will play to emphasize all the important moments of the story in the classroom as the theatre.
Weekly Lesson Plans
Introduce language experience
Language ExperienceTogether we will take a walk outside and start with a view where we can see the ocean. Educational assistants and I will videotape each of them. Then, students will describe what we had experienced in American Sign Language including classifier with teacher assistance.
Introduce journal writing and set up the projector and discuss with the children a variety of topics about which we might choose to write. I will sketch a quick picture and path as write two words describing what we had experienced.
Dialogue Journal (10): After Language Experience activity, student will write or draw on a page describing what we had experienced.