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How do procurement processes change when the project transitions from building phase to maintenance phase? 

Order Specification and details:

This project is about a topic relating to scope within projects in the field of project management. The main topic is about the term “Scope creep”. This shall be examined and discussed with two real and on-going projects as example of reference that are provided and will be explained below. Also, as a master’s level dissertation primary data is a requirement. A survey on the topic must be made for that.


Main research question:

How can scope creep in internal communication projects be avoided from a project finance point of view?


Sub questions:

  1. How is “scope creep” defined in the project management literature? *
  2. What defines the scope (start and end date) of such projects that require support/maintenance/training?
  3. What successful hand-over strategies can be used when the build-up phase is over?
  4. How do procurement processes change when the project transitions from building phase to maintenance phase?
  5. What lessons on scope creep and internal communication projects can we learn from cases in Saudi Arabia?


A document of expected style and example is provided for question 1 as a guideline of style but not necessary quality.

Suggested or preferred structure:

  • i. Abstract
  • ii. Introduction
  • iii. Literature review
  • iv. Theoretical framework
  • v. Research design & methodology (your interviews)
  • vi. Findings & analysis
  • vii. Conclusions & recommendations
  • viii. References (Harvard referencing system or other agreed with supervisor)
  • ix. Appendices


With a word count of 13,200 excluding references.



Projects to be used as a case study:

The two projects are attached with their relevant documents. The two projects are real and ongoing projects by Panda Retailer in Saudi Arabia. Both projects are communication projects that I personally have contacts working on. Any information needed for this research that is not mentioned in the documents can be obtained by contacting me. Please use these projects with relevance to the research question and sub questions.


Survey to be prepared:

A survey shall be prepared to be forwarded to colleagues and project teams of the two projects mentioned above that are relevant to this research. This also can be shared by you. This is expected to be done by a professional website such as Type form or any similar service. I can create that myself, but questions must be provided as part of the research. The answers must be analysed and quantified briefly using quantitative methods.


*Note : If necessary use my information for the survey or kindly ask me to create one and we can sync to avoid having different credentials.



Use of primary data and projects provided as a case of reference. Sources must be academic such as journals of project management, article of project management and books. Other significant sources are also accepted if the source is credible.


Documents attached:

  • Order specifications
  • Project 1 – Digital signage
  • Project 2 – Internal communication app
  • Scope Creep Short Section Example.
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