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Discuss the ways in which Site Managers can monitor the quality of materials and workmanship on site in a manner which maintains sustainability and maximises the opportunity to Recycle and Recover Material.

Task 3.3.1

Discuss the ways in which Site Managers can monitor the quality of materials and workmanship on site in a manner which maintains sustainability and maximises the opportunity to Recycle and Recover Material.
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L 4 unit 3

Task 3.3.1 sustainability on site


Word 300-500

There are several ways in which a site manager can monitor the quality of materials and workmanship on site, in a manner that maintains sustainability and maximises the opportunity to recycle and recover materials.

The construction project, depending on the site, size and project, has many building materials on site, which needs quality monitoring.

The quality management plan, the contract clauses and the works programmes should be studied for content and referred to before commencing work activity.

The site manager should be experienced, competent and knowledgeable in managing project construction operations and activities and monitoring the quality materials and workmanship. The construction site must be organised or set up to accommodate traffic delivery to and from the site; there should be a schedule of material delivery times and a traffic management route plan in place. Contractors and tradesmen should be informed of the material delivery times. The site manager must have a detailed plan where to store and how to stack these materials. The delivered materials should be stored in a safe holding place and must be stored and stacked correctly and not dumped anywhere on site. Good housekeeping is essential for material and workmanship monitoring. Materials must not be over-ordered, as this wastes money and produces waste materials and off-cuts. Materials should be handled with care to avoid damage. Suppliers with excellent environmental track records should be awarded a contract.

The beginning stages of an operation activities plan through the works programme drawings and specifications are essential if the quality of material and workmanship is to be monitored. The first stage of material deliveries for excavations, such as steel, struts, props and timbers, should be checked for quality and monitoring. The next stages of construction work should be monitored for quality of materials and workmanship as work progresses. All tradesmen starting work at a construction site must be inducted and given information about site rules and sustainability on site. Waste must be minimised, and materials must be recycled. Emergency fire evacuation exist must be correctly identified in case of fire evacuation. All tradesmen and constructors must provide proof of work qualifications, skills, experience and competence. Quality of materials and workmanship will be inspected by drawings, specifications and visual checking. Clients are requested to measure their energy, fuel use and carbon emission through building research and establishing an environment assessment method or using the international evidence- based sustainability assessment, rating and awards scheme for civil engineering. Site management should be aware of and provide advice on energy efficiency such as switching off lights and equipment if not in use. All tradesmen should be trained in energy-efficient and good energy performance. Poor workmanship such as fitting insulation can cause loss of heat, reducing the energy of the building; furthermore, heat loss can cause condensation when the building is occupied.


References/ Bibliography

Harris,F.& MacCaffer, R.with. Edum, F. 2006.Morden Construction Management (Sixth Edition) Blackwell,Publishing.

Online Oxford Dictionary, Oxford, UK.

MacBain, G, Associates, Ltd, Construction Education Training, England, UK

Construction Industry Training Board.2007,Published: CITB, Bircham Newton,Norfork.UK







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3.1 Sustainability Issues on site  – MATERIAL

Sustainable means “maintaining something’s viability by using techniques that allow continual reuse”. So if we are looking at the methods of work that will ensure sustainable quality on site we need to look at the following:

  • not damaging the environment with the work
  • not depleting natural resources
  • supporting long-term ecological balance

The way that this is done is through the following:

  • minimise waste
  • re-cycle materials
  • minimise energy in construction & use
  • conserve water resources
  • avoid pollution
  • preserve & enhance biodiversity
  • respect people & local environment
  • monitor & report, (i.e. use benchmarks)

In order for these factors to be effective all personnel need to be aware of the effect that each of the points listed above will affect the project. This will involve the training of personnel in the methods of work to be used so that the environment is considered.

It is important that systems are in place to ensure that work carried out is consistent with the factors to reduce the negative effects and promote the positive ones. In many companies the requirements will be specified in the Environmental Policy which the site manager must be familiar with and incorporate into the methods of work for each project. In order to ensure that personnel conform to the requirements specific individuals will need to be made responsible for adhering and confirming that the work is carried out in a manner that is sympathetic to the requirements. Although as a site manager you would be responsible to ensure that all aspects relating to sustainability during the construction phase are considered, actioned, monitored and enforced and that any appropriate records are maintained.

The failure to consider these can have an adverse affect on the quality of the work produced, the perception of the company by the public and, if a breach of any legislation results, in the imposing of a fine. Consequently the site manager will need to ensure that any breaches are dealt with quickly and efficiently.


The Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM) sets the standard for best practice in sustainable building design, construction and operation and is a widely recognised measure of a building’s environmental performance. Carried out by external licensed assessors it addresses wide-ranging environmental and sustainability issues and enables developers and designers to prove the environmental credentials of their buildings to planners and clients.


The site manager must be aware that materials which appear green or environmentally friendly do not necessarily produce the best quality of construction and may well result in additional maintenance and repair throughout the life span of the structure. Similarly, materials which are of composite construction may use vapour barriers and other materials which must be incorporated into the structure in a defined and certainly careful manner if the integrity of the units are to be preserved.

Quality means setting a standard and monitoring that standard to ensure that the work incorporated into the structure meets a predetermined specification. Where substandard materials are accepted or specified materials incorporated into the structure in a manner which does not comply with specified standards of workmanship, the object of the use and incorporation of sustainable materials may be defeated.

Sustainability is also about minimising waste; construction design should take into account standard panel sizes produced by the manufacturer ensuring that these fit into an integrated system without undue waste. Minimising waste would be enhanced by the use of Integrated Modular Design Systems of construction whereby all components are prefabricated to be fitted together on site.

Any waste should be collected and recycled as far as possible to recover materials or seek an alternative use, as an example: whilst short ends of timber cannot generally be used they can be used in chipboard production or similar and as a last and final result clean timber can be used to produce energy.  Quality monitoring and effective Site Management will ensure that waste is minimised and recycling is a factor which everyone to must promote.

In many respects the key to quality on site is good leadership and management by education of the workforce; most operatives know and understand what quality is and how sustainability can be enhanced by maintaining a positive response; the trick is to ensure that all are pro-active and never complacent.

It also must be appreciated that sustainability is not just about materials and workmanship, other factors which all form part of sustainability are the responsibility of the Site manager all result in improved quality of site presentation, workmanship and reputation of the company.

Task 3.3.1 Sustainability on Site

Discuss the ways in which Site Managers can monitor the quality of materials and workmanship on site in a manner which maintains sustainability and maximises the opportunity to Recycle and Recover Material.

Word Guide:  300 – 400




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