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Select relevant theories and workplace examples (note: students are encouraged to use their own workplace experiences and examples) to provide a set of logical, well supported (by the literature) recommendations.

Critically analyse the following three (3) questions. You will select relevant theories and workplace examples (note:
students are encouraged to use their own workplace experiences and examples) to provide a set of logical, well supported (by the literature) recommendations:
1. As a HR manager, you may have to help resolve dysfunctional conflicts between employees. How would you help employees to understand their preferred conflict handling mode and move toward a conflict style that promotes functional conflict.
2. A brief scan of any news outlet evidences the alarming prevalence of unethical organisational behavior. As a HR manager, how would you utilize two (2) key human resource practices to promote an ethical organisational culture.
3. As a HR manager, you will often be required to interview job candidates. What questioning technique would you employ during interviewing to ensure effective communication and acquisition of all required information?

Your report will be marked based on the following criteria:
Answers which are comprehensive yet concise, coherent and convincing. Note: This assignment task is not
asking you to simply summarise the reading materials. Answers should provide an effective balance
between exposition and explanation.
Demonstrated understanding of the course reading materials and the course topics, particularly in terms of
how concepts from different topics can be used to gain a deeper understanding of each other.
Use of examples from the workplace and the organisations studied in this course to illustrate and support
Not only explains recommendations but also provides the evidential and theoretical grounds as to why those
recommendations were made
Expression which is articulate, clear and grammatical.

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