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Transport Planning Assessment: Write an essay, explaining the relationship between land use and transport, and how it influences people’s travel behaviour.

URDE2002/7001 Transport Planning: Assessment Briefs
Assessment 1 (30%) – Individual Essay
Write an essay, explaining the relationship between land use and transport, and how it influences people’s travel behaviour. Use examples of current land use and transport strategies and policies, and historical factors that have contributed to Perth’s current urban form and structure to illustrate key points.
The expected word count for the essay is: 1500 words (URDE2002) or 2000 words (URDE7001).
You should draw upon the unit materials – lectures, workshop activities, guest lectures – to inform your research but draw on appropriate academic source material to define or explain key concepts. The essay should draw on at least five relevant academic papers (see the Reading List for some key texts). Other resources – policy research, web-pages, blogs, web-media – are encouraged provided they are used appropriately and referenced correctly.
Figures, images and tables can be used sparingly and only if they illustrate key points presented in the essay. Figures, images and tables should be presented in professional format (labelled, referenced and easy to read).
Use Calibri 11pt font for the main text.
Use Chicago Style for referencing. See the Library web site: http://libguides.library.curtin.edu.au/referencing
The assessment should be uploaded to turnitin before the deadline. No hard copy submission is required.
Assessment criteria
The general assessment criteria and weighting are:
• Demonstrates an understanding of key concepts – 25%
• Explanation or discussion is logical and coherent – 25%
• Examples are relevant and support overall explanation or argument – 20%
• A wide range of relevant source material is used and correctly referenced – 15%
• Written expression is clear and correct – 15%
Unit learning outcomes addressed
• Explain the relationship between land use, urban form and transport systems, including its role in shaping travel behaviour
Assessment 2 (30%) – Survey (Group 20% and Individual 10%)
Group component (20%)
Students will work in groups to conduct a survey of Curtin University and surrounding suburbs, identifying characteristics of the spatial and demographic relevant to transport planning and geography. The survey will be divided into two parts:
1. A survey of the macro-scale (suburban and campus major transport network), including but not limited to suburb demographics and travel behaviour; analysis of road network; major pedestrian and cyclist infrastructure; land use; policy analysis; governance framework.
2. A survey of the micro-scale (a specific place on campus), including but not limited to road design, vulnerable road users, pedestrian and cycling infrastructure, movement networks).
The assessment will be introduced and groups will be formed in class in Week 4. Workshop activities and/or consultations for this assessment will occur in Weeks 7,8, and 9. Students are required to contribute to group work in and outside of class time.
Individual component (10%)
In addition to the group work, students are required to document their contribution to the assessment, and provide a reflection on the assessment – including but not limited to explanations of concepts used in the assessment; specific information needed; evaluation (was the exercise effective in you developing new and useful knowledge?)
The format for the group assessment is two A1 posters, one illustrating the macro analysis, and the other illustrating the micro analysis. The posters should visually communicate the group’s analysis of several sources of data collected inside class time and outside of class time
The use of creative ways to visually communicate your survey findings is encouraged. Referencing of visual materials is just as essential as for text. See the library guides.
The format for the individual assessment is a written piece of no more than 2 pages, including references.
For the individual assessment, use Calibri 11pt font for the main text.
Use Chicago Style for referencing. See the Library web site: http://libguides.library.curtin.edu.au/referencing
Group assessments should be uploaded to turnitin before the deadline. Group assessments are required to be printed and brought to class in Week 12. A peer review of group contribution is required as part of this assessment.
Individual assessments should be uploaded to turnitin before the deadline. No hard copy
submission is required.
Assessment criteria
The group assessment (worth 20 marks) criteria and weighting are:
• Quality of the methodology 30%
• Quality of analysis 30%
• Clarity of communication – visual 30%
• Control of syntax and mechanics 5%
• Referencing 5%
The individual assessment (worth 10 marks) criteria and weighting are:
• Demonstration of contribution to the groupwork 30%
• Quality of ideas 50%
• Control of syntax and mechanics 10%
• Referencing 10%
Unit learning outcomes addressed
• Identify the main features of the infrastructure agencies, including the regulatory
framework, powers and responsibilities
• Apply a range of transport planning techniques for assessing demand and supply of
Assessment 3 (40%) Integrated Planning Solution – Individual
Prepare an Integrated Planning Solution that proposes changes to improve the efficiency and
equity of transport to a selected locality in metropolitan Perth.
The plan should include macro- and micro- analysis and propose solutions that focus on the
transport system (performance, services and infrastructure), land use and urban form relevant to
transport, and behaviour change. The analysis and solutions should address all modes of travel and
address the needs of a diverse range of people.
The plan should be presented in a report format and consist of the following components:
1. A background section outlining:
a. A description of the site, including any reference to typical transport issues related
to such sites you can find (500 words)
b. An explanation of the objectives underlying your plan – what are you trying to
achieve (you should draw on academic sources here – hint integrated transport
planning, sustainable accessibility) (300 Words)
c. Written explanation of the analysis you undertook and an overview of key findings.
(1000 Words)
2. An annotated map indicating major features of the existing transport system and relevant
land uses, identifying problems using a range of techniques discussed in the unit throughout
the semester.
3. An implementation plan that identifies appropriate solutions, concrete actions and also
indicates who should take responsibility for which actions. You should ensure you devise a
‘whole of government’ approach. We suggest you produce both a short body of text
explaining the implementation plan (300 words) and a table to show the clear links between solution and responsibility, for example:
See Map
Problem Solution Actions Time Horizon Responsibility (be specific)
1 Section of road is hazardous to cyclists.
Safe and efficient cycle access
a) Create new cycle path from point a to point b (see attached annotated plan);
b) widen existing cycle path from a to b (see attached annotated plan) from 1.5m to 2.5m;
a) Mid-term
b) Short-term
a) Local government of…
b) Local government of….
The plan should be supported by reference to a wide range of academic and technical sources. Any
additional material demonstrating analysis should be attached as an appendix to the main report.
The expected word count for the report is indicated in word counts and descriptions above.
You should draw upon the unit materials – lectures, workshop activities, guest lectures – to inform
your research but draw on appropriate academic source material to define or explain key concepts.
The report should draw on at least five relevant academic papers (see the Reading List for some key
texts). Other resources – census data; policies and plans; transport analysis; secondary data – are
encouraged provided they are used appropriately and referenced correctly.
Figures, images and tables can be used sparingly and only if they illustrate key points presented in
the essay. Figures, images and tables should be presented in professional format (labelled,
referenced and easy to read).
Use Calibri 11pt font for the main text.
Use Chicago Style for referencing. See the Library web site:
The assessment should be uploaded to turnitin before the deadline. No hard copy submission is
Assessment criteria
The general assessment criteria and weighting are listed below. See the separate Rubric on
Blackboard for levels of learning for each criteria:
• Background 10%
• Quality of Analysis 25%
• Quality and feasibility of solutions 25%
• Appropriate description of governance framework 10%
• Presentation 10%
• Writing 10%
• Referencing 10%
Unit learning outcomes addressed
• Identify the main features of the infrastructure agencies, including the regulatory
framework, powers and responsibilities
• Examine measures for an integrated approach to the provision of transport infrastructure
and urban form
• Apply a range of transport planning techniques for assessing demand and supply of

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