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Research the terms ethics, morals, values, rules, and principles. Create your own definitions of these terms, differentiating them from each other.

This is a one-page assignment and I only need 2 references.  One from the reading material I have provided.  The title and author for the reading material I provided is  Sommers-Flanagan, R., & Sommers-Flanagan, J. (2015). Becoming an ethical helping professional: cultural and philosophical foundations. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

The other reference needs to be an outside reference.

This week, you are beginning to explore the world of personal and professional ethics. After completing your Reading for this week, use the Internet and the Library to research and respond to the following questions:

  • Research the terms ethics, morals, values, rules, and principles. Create your own definitions of these terms, differentiating them from each other.
  • What forms of power and authority do you see or imagine are involved in the relationship between the human service professional and client?
  • Describe your own version of the essential attributes of a helping professional. How are ethics incorporated in your definition?
  • Respond to one of the two case examples on page 18 of the reading material provided, fully addressing the questions posed.


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