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Identify and briefly explain each technology, stating which are inventions and which are discoveries.

Examine the timeline (below) and discuss which of the listed technologies you think has made the biggest impact on forensic science. To do this, (Segment A) identify and briefly explain each technology, stating which are inventions and which are discoveries. Then (Segment B) state which invention or discovery do you think was the most important […]

In the diagram below, what is the degree of the relationship?

Biology QUESTION 1 Use the following figure to answer this question. The primary key of the entity type car is ___________________________. Please enter it exactly as it appears on the figure and enter only the attribute name and no other notations like those for the primary key or required attribute.. QUESTION 2 Use the following […]

Which defenses protect us from infection by this bacterium?

Microbiology Psuedomonas Aeruginosa Task: To complete this assignment you should: Unit 2: In the Microorganism profile module, find your assigned microbe. Access the Microorganism Profile Assignment and Discussion forum in the week 2 module and acknowledge that you have received your assigned organism by telling the class what organism you were assigned and what it […]

A mutation occurs in the DNA template strand. The mutation changes the original sequence 5′ CCA 3′ to 5′ CGA 3′. What type of mutation is this?

Biology Biology Genes Answer the following questions. You may work in your groups, but each person must get spot checked prior to leaving recitation to receive credit. You have 30 minutes to work on these questions, and then the TAs will walk you through the answers. 1) a) A mutation occurs in the DNA template […]

Who is Greta Thunberg? What is COP25 and what countries participated?

Who is Greta Thunberg? What is COP25 and what countries participated? What is the Paris Agreement and which countries were involved? What are G20 countries? What is the IPCC report she references and who are the contributing authors? What is the current carbon budget? When is it projected to be reached? Fact Check: For the […]

What is GAL80 and why does the yeast two hybrid system require mutant strains of yeast that lack the expression of this protein?

Fields & Song, Nature, 1989 The authors state that “protein-protein interactions between two proteins have generally been studied using biochemical techniques such as cross-linking, co-immunoprecipitation and co-fractionation by chromatography.” Briefly describe one of these techniques. What does the GAL4 protein normally do in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Brewer’s yeast)? What are the attributes of GAL4 that enable […]

Compare and contrast the systems between the dissection specimens.

Biology WRITING A LABORATORY REPORT (.doc/docx or .pdf format only) INTRODUCTION Background information so that a reader will understand the purpose of your experiment Explain the purpose of the research project State the formulated hypotheses /rationale and predictions being tested when appropriate for the research project. Generally, 2 paragraphs long, 1st paragraph going over major […]

If these two individuals had offspring, what would be the ratio of the F 1 generation genotypes?

Biology In-Class Assignment #13: Punnett Square Practice Answer the following questions and show your work! 1. In rabbits, black fur is dominant to white fur. You capture two black rabbits, one male and one female, and determine each genotype. The male is homozygous for the black fur allele, and the female is heterozygous for the […]

Does the medication chosen require any special monitoring? Can the medication be used long-term or only short-term use?

Pharmacology Discuss basic pathology for each of the following disorders: Peptic Ulcer Disease (PUD); Gastroesophageal Reflux Disorder (GERD); and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) List one medication indicated for each disorder and evidence of the effectiveness of the medication What indications would you investigate prior to ordering the medication (ie., pregnancy, renal disease, etc)? Does the […]

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