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Define “exogenous” and “endogenous” electron acceptors.

1. (2) What is the source of electrons in the mitochondrial electron transport chain? And where do the electrons end up once they pass through the chain? 2. (2) Molecules called uncouplers (such as dinitrophenol) poke holes in the inner mitochondrial membrane. What effect would this have on aerobic respiration? 3. (2) Define “exogenous” and […]

Compare tubes 1 and 2. What would you expect the distribution of the dye to be with respect to the separated water and oil?

Biology Biology Lipids: Sudan IV test. Lipids include a variety of molecules that dissolve in non- polar solvents such as ether, acetone, methanol, or ethanol, but not as well in polar solvents such as water. Triglycerides (fats) are abundant lipids made of glycerol and three fatty acids. Tests for lipids are based on a lipid’s […]

Which of the solutions is a positive control? Which is a negative control?

Biology Proteins: Biuret test. Proteins are made of amino acids, each of which has an amino group (-NH2), a carboxyl (acid) group (-COOH), and a variable side chain. A peptide bond forms between the amino group of one amino acid and the carboxyl group of an adjacent amino acid. Proteins are identified by a Biuret […]

Which of the solutions is a positive control for the starch test? A negative control?

Biology BIOLOGICALLY IMPORTANT MOLECULES LAB Bio 121 Introduction: There are 4 categories of organic compounds found in living organisms: Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids & Nucleic Acids. Each of these macromolecules is made of smaller subunits. These subunits are linked by dehydration synthesis, which is an energy-requiring process in which a molecule of water is removed and […]

Provide the parents with general information about the 1.syndrome, 2.prognosis, and most importantly,3. the genetics behind it.

You have a patient that was recently diagnosed with cat-eye syndrome, and the parents are very confused about this disorder and particularly about the genetics. The parents took an AP biology course previously and do have some knowledge of the terms. They are having some difficulty understanding recombination and how this gene duplication occurred. They […]

Indicate what information is revealed by the test and what is still needed to obtain the most information.

You have just seen a patient with probable Down Syndrome and one with Cystic Fibrosis and need to order tests to confirm the diagnosis. Using the lab tests listed below for each syndrome, please indicate what information is revealed by the test and what is still needed to obtain the most information. You may include […]

Define ketones, and how they relate to a diet insufficient in carbohydrates/sugars. Are ketones safe at high levels (ie relying on fat stores for calories)?

#1. Choose two different Nutrition Facts labels you saved from two different grocery store items. You may want to choose one from a food that you think is healthy, & one from a food you think is not as healthy nutritionally. Then, for each one: list parts of the food label you think are important; […]

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