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What is the role that a shareholder plays in a company? Do they actually contribute anything to the corporation (except for the case of an IPO)?

Download and read “The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase its Profits” by Milton Friedman which is the basis for the ‘shareholder value theory’ that would dominate business and business school thinking from the 1970s into the new century. Do you think that Friedman’s argument is valid? Some things to consider: What is the […]

From the table can we obtain a long run perfectly competitive equilibrium price and quantity? Explain why or why not.

Micro Economics i. Find the MR and MC for different quantities of production and enter your answers on the table. ii. Find the monopolist’s equilibrium quantity and price. iii. From the table can we obtain a long run perfectly competitive equilibrium price and quantity? Explain why or why not. (HINT: In long run perfect competition […]

What is the rate of growth and which formula is used to calculate it?

Economics Task One Calculate the rate of growth of the exchange rates between two currencies using exchange rate data on your selected countries. Before doing so, please answer the following question. What is the rate of growth and which formula is used to calculate it? Display the rates of growth of the exchange rates between […]

What would be the firm’s Short-Run profits if it chooses to shut down? Should the firm keep producing in the short-run? How do you know?

Economics Problem 1: Short-Run Profit Maximization [10 points] Consider a firm that uses both capital (K) and labour (L) to produce a final product (Q) that it sells at the market price $5. The firm buys Labour at a cost of $4 per unit and capital at a cost of $10 per unit. The firm […]

Explain the difference between the price effect and the output effect when a new firm enters a market.

Economics 1-Explain the difference between the price effect and the output effect when a new firm enters a market. 2-Lola is the owner of a bakery that earns 0 (zero) economic profit. Last year, her total revenue was $165,000, her rent was $10,000, her labor costs were $85,000, and her overhead expenses were $11,000. a. […]

Review evidence for the effectiveness of the individual financial products (i.e. what do they do well or not do well respectively).

Economics Read the following pieces on “financial inclusion”: https://www.worldbank.org/en/topic/financialinclusion/overview https://blogs.worldbank.org/allaboutfinance/what-do-we-know-about-link-between-financial- inclusion-and-inclusive-growth https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2019/1/15/18182167/microcredit-microfinance-poverty- grameen-bank-yunus Using these resources and the evidence covered in lectures please i) Define and summarize what financial inclusion entails (i.e. the overall goal and individual products / interventions under consideration). ii) Review evidence for the effectiveness of the individual financial products (i.e. what […]

Describe the role government should play in correcting for market failures.

Describe the role government should play in correcting for market failures. Make sure to apply Saint Leo’s Core Values to your analysis, remembering that responsible stewardship calls on us to be ‘resourceful’. You should cite specific examples and applications, and take a clear stand on whether you believe the actions of government work towards resolving […]

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