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Explain how employment law provides rights to employees and employers, and the steps employers must take to comply with employment law.

What is employment “at will” and under what circumstances is an employer restricted from terminating an at-will employee without cause? What disability-related information does the law prohibit an employer from asking an applicant for employment, and what actions must an employer take when hiring an employee with disabilities? Are there limits to what an employer […]

What types of strategies can Rowdy use to train and develop its employees in ways that will promote overall company success as well as the professional success of employees?

Suggest what Rowdy’s view of its human capital likely is at this time and what can Rowdy, Inc. might do differently with its view of human capital. What types of strategies can Rowdy use to train and develop its employees in ways that will promote overall company success as well as the professional success of […]

What non-technical skills and traits will you emphasize in the internal job listing? Why? What three questions will you ask in interviews to evaluate these skills?

What non-technical skills and traits will you emphasize in the internal job listing? Why? What three questions will you ask in interviews to evaluate these skills? With the differing values and characteristics of the pool of candidates, what three challenges do you see for the expatriates selected? Is it important to send a team that […]

Is there a manner in which an employer can accommodate an individual with a contagious disease? Does the classification of the disease matter?

Participate in this discussion to share your thoughts on how the ADA applies to individuals with contagious diseases. On the Discussion Forum, post a 300-word response to the following question(s)/prompt(s); include at least one APA-formatted citation/reference to a source from this lesson: The ADA classifies and protects individuals who carry contagious diseases as disabled individuals. […]

Do you think performance appraisals should be done? If yes, what are some desirable outcomes and how to those outweigh potential negative outcomes? If no, what are some negative outcome and how do those outweigh potential positive outcomes?

Employees want feedback to better understand what they may need to improve. The challenge to evaluating performance is creating a standard that consistently provides feedback versus the once-a-year performance appraisal. Companies need to understand both the costs and benefits associated with appraising employees. Participate in this discussion for a chance to share ideas about the […]

Develop and present a Communication Plan ( when and how) for your team’s Chosen HRM Change Initiative e.g. Remote Work, Workplace Digitization etc.

In a twelve PowerPoint Slides Voice Over Presentation (all team members have to take part in the recording of Power Point Voice Over Presentation) develop and present a Communication Plan ( when and how) for your team’s Chosen HRM Change Initiative e.g. Remote Work, Workplace Digitization etc. Follow rubric given below: Points The What, Where, […]

Explain the relationship between a company’s mission and vision statements and its code of ethics in terms of strategic management. Role of Leadership in Promoting and Supporting the Mission, Vision, and Code of Ethics.

Develop a 3–5 page white paper on the importance of mission and vision statements and a code of ethics when starting a new business. Explain the purpose of each, identify the key elements for each, and explain how they can affect the success of a business. An organization’s structure as identified through its mission and […]

Identify two HR strategies that your company uses to ensure that they have the right talent to meet their mission, vision and business objectives.

In Chapter One of Flawless Consulting, Block notes that there are five phases to the consulting process (pp. 6 – 9). You’ll continue to utilize Block’s phases to create a framework of what consulting on a HR specific task might look like. A reminder of the five phases as defined by Block: 1) Entry and […]

How often will they be analyzing the data and presenting the results to senior management?

General manager: General manager understand the reason why the company needs changes. He understands why these changes are necessary and care about solving the problem of the talent loss and also worried about solving the complaint caused by loss of quantity and quality before it causes further harm to the company. He supported the company […]

Analyze how a legal case could impact businesses (analyze how a decision in a legal case like Burwell v. Hobby Lobby can impact local businesses and explain both the positive and negative impacts.)

-Analyze how a legal case could impact businesses (analyze how a decision in a legal case like Burwell v. Hobby Lobby can impact local businesses and explain both the positive and negative impacts.) – Explain how a legal case could impact a specific organization. (How a legal case such as Burwell v. Hobby Lobby will […]

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