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Critically evaluate 3-day diet record listed on pages 5-9 on attachment. Are you meeting all aspects of the DGA recommended healthy eating pattern as outlined above? Compare your overall diet to all 6 aspects of a healthy eating pattern.

According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans a healthy eating pattern should provide: Critically evaluate 3-day diet record listed on pages 5-9 on attachment. Are you meeting all aspects of the DGA recommended healthy eating pattern as outlined above? Compare your overall diet to all 6 aspects of a healthy eating pattern. Are there areas […]

Discuss the medical complications that could arise if your client does not seek treatment for her diabetes?

Mrs. Cynthia Ritchie is a 45-year-old female, 5 feet 2 inches tall and weighs 245 lbs. She has gained 50 pounds in the past year. She has been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Testing revealed that her A1c is 10.2. Her blood pressure is 135/90. She complains of blurry vision. Mrs. Ritchie typically skips breakfast, […]

What would you tell her about weight gain during pregnancy? What strategies would you suggest to her after her baby is born that would help her regain her healthy weight?

Sarah’s Case Study minimum of 250 words. at least 3 professional references. properly cited in the current APA format. answer all questions. Topic: Sarah is 28 years old and 7 months pregnant with her third child. Her other children are aged 2½ years and 1 ½ years. She had uncomplicated pregnancies and deliveries. Sarah is […]

Discuss the recommendations that you would make for Mr. Smith’s fat intake. What foods should be limited to restrict saturated and trans fat intake?

Mr. Andrew Smith is a 50-year-old male, 5 feet 10 inches tall and weighs 265 lbs. He has gained 30 pounds in the past year. He has been diagnosed with heart disease. Testing revealed his total cholesterol is 225 mg/dL, and blood pressure is 150/95. Mr. Smith eats a diet that is high in saturated […]

Discuss on male runners to see which caffeine substance is best to consume pre exercise to improve durability during a race, using blood lactate concentration, muscle Soreness scale and Rate of perceived exertion scale to measure this factor

Topic: A comparison study on male runners to see which caffeine substance is best to consume pre exercise to improve durability during a race, using blood lactate concentration, muscle Soreness scale and Rate of perceived exertion scale to measure this factor

Explain the pathophysiology of the disorder. Provide 4 risk factors OR 4 symptoms of the disorder.

Description   Develop an instructional brochure on the nutritional aspects of one of the disorders below: Type 2 Diabetes Hypertension Coronary Artery Disease Chronic Kidney Disease Cancer HIV/AIDS Include in your brochure all points below: Explanation of the pathophysiology of the disorder. Provide 4 risk factors OR 4 symptoms of the disorder. Two common medications […]

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