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What kind of policy should UK follow to avoid unemployment, should not entail speculation of policy and about the future. Research should be grounded on empirical evidence.

What kind of policy should UK follow to avoid unemployment, should not entail speculation of policy and about the future. Research should be grounded on empirical evidence. For instance, between which period to which period, unemployment is lower or higher and is associated with what type of economic policies.

Demonstrates a high level of independent thought and critical analysis. Borderline publishable.

From a Global Political Economy Perspective; Introduce the question and discuss the question of whether Is the United State of America a declining hegemon? Presenting a Literature Review / Annotated Bibiliography for the same from 8 sources minimum. With a view to show 1. Relevance Knowledge and Understanding Analysis Presentation Use of Sources 2. All […]

What do we already know in the immediate area? What are the most important studies in this area? Identify the strengths and the weaknesses of the evidence.

USE PARAGRAPHS to: – What do we already know in the immediate area? – What are the most important studies in this area? – key concepts, theories, issues and min debates. Use them to show the relationships between the different theories, views and approaches it describes, criticizing them and their contribution to knowledge with the […]

Why do informal institutions, rather than formal institutions, explain better public goods provision at the village level in China? How does Tsai make her argument? What evidence does she provide? Is her evidence convincing? Why or why not?

In her article, “Solidary Groups, Informal Accountability and Local Public Goods Provision in Rural China,” author Lily Tsai argues that formal institutions do not explain variation in public goods provision at the village level in China. Instead, she finds that group-based institutions explain why some villages are better at public goods provision than others. Why […]

Explain how the early United States dealt with its foreign policy problems (ie, American issues that involved other countries, like international trade, diplomacy, or warfare) during the Washington, Adams, Jefferson, and Madison presidencies.

In your essay, you will be writing a total of three (3) short essays. You must answer one of the options for each of the questions below (question 3 has only one option). Your answers must be based on course materials only and will only receive credit for answers based on course material. All writing […]

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