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Is there anything you learned that surprised you? Explain what it was, and why it surprised you. 6 Is there anything you were hoping to learn relating to misinformation in the election that you did not learn? Why do you think it wasn’t covered (make an educated guess)?

This is a more complex one to complete! But the fun part, is that you have 2 choices as to what you do. Make sure you read everything completely so you can make an informed decision that fits your interests. There’s A LOT on this page. You don’t have to do it all for this […]

How can policy action and enforcement at both the state and local levels have an influence on the ultimate impact on the health and wellbeing of undocumented immigrants?

Write a summary of important points 1) How can policy action and enforcement at both the state and local levels have an influence on the ultimate impact on the health and wellbeing of undocumented immigrants?

Do you still think those endowments matter after reading the article for this week? Explain your answer.

You read a piece by Sokoloff and Engermann at the beginning of the semester about how the original factor endowments in the New World colonies set up the initial levels of democracy between newly independent North and South American countries. Do you still think those endowments matter after reading the article for this week? Explain […]

Examine the impact globalization has had on your own life. Identify something you learned in this class that has had the greatest impact on you and your understanding of sex and gender.

Collaboration is an important practice, both in your academic and professional career. Anthropologists often collaborate with their colleagues, during research studies, at conferences, etc. This collaboration can lead to substantial anthropological advances and serves as an excellent professional development tool. Throughout this course, you will collaborate with your classmates, as you would with colleagues in […]

To what extent and in what respects does this film exemplify, adopt, or depict this perspective on international relations? How does the theoretical perspective shed light on and add meaning to your understanding of the film?

• Use Anderson, Walt, McLaughlin, Angell, and any other readings of your choice to define and discuss the concept and theme of Nationalism in international relations (What is “Nationalism” and why is it relevant in IR?) • Giving specific examples and details from the film, explain o To what extent and in what respects does […]

Describe the assets and detriments of nationalism. Do you believe this to be a positive, or a negative force in world politics? Be sure to support your position.

1.One often hears references to the power of a nation. Yet, determining the components of power has often proven to be rather elusive. Describe and explain the main components of power as discussed inthe class. Which do you believe to be most important and why? Finally, are there any additions or deletions that you would […]

Describe the main principles of your party and what your platforms will be. What would you want to accomplish first? Is there anything you’d have to take into consider?

You’ve been tasked with creating a new political party for Puerto Rico. Describe the main principles of your party and what your platforms will be. What would you want to accomplish first? Is there anything you’d have to take into consider?

List and describe the main tenets of the Islamic faith. Also, explain Muhammad’s experience as a political as well as a religious leader and the ramifications of these for contemporary Islam.

Part A. – Essay Questions For the second examination, please answer TWO of the following questions in essay form. Each answer should be between 250 and 500 words. Each question will be worth 50% of your grade for this exam. I am not going to light it on fire if it is longer or shorter, […]

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