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Protestant reformers called “lesser magistrates”. How is their response different than the clergymen? Why? Is this response to injustice by lesser magistrates justifiable? Why or why not?

Must the Christian always obey civil authority, or are there grounds for civil disobedience? Are there Christian justifications for political rebellion? Required Reading: Declaration of the United Colonies. “The Declaration of the United Colonies: America’s First Just War Statement” in Journal of Military Ethics (2015). Available in Blackboard. Martin Luther King, Jr. “Letter from a […]

Write a 15–20 page (3,500–5,000-word) research paper in current Turabian format that answers a specific, well-defined research question dealing with how a Christian statesman would respond to an issue related to intergovernmental relations or federalism.

A statesman is a person who exhibits wisdom in administrating government affairs and dealing with important public issues. Christian statesmanship relates to the application of Biblical principles of government and leadership in a political context by a person of character and integrity, often in the face of grave danger or, at the very least, challenging […]

Discuss why the American public opinion of Congress is lower than President Trump’s. What can members of Congress do to improve their reputation among the general public?

Discuss why the American public opinion of Congress is lower than President Trump’s. What can members of Congress do to improve their reputation among the general public? Discuss whether or not the Constitution gives the president enough or not enough authority to effectively lead the nation.

Summarize the article and explain how this issue affects you. Is the article neutral? Why or why not? How might you influence this policy in the future?

Instructions. Find an article in your local newspaper about a local policy issue that affects you. For example, an article concerning your county’s decision to privatize your trash collection service. Summarize the article and explain how this issue affects you. Is the article neutral? Why or why not? How might you influence this policy in […]

Discuss the kinds of expectations-traps which face women candidates and leaders as explored by these various authors, whether the arguments in the articles (and videos) offered reinforce or conflict with other arguments, and possible ways women can avoid these traps.

Women who run for and gain political office often have to deal with a series of double-binds, insofar as they may be judged as being both too masculine (insufficiently feminine) and not masculine enough (too feminine). Zamfirache, and Okimoto and Brescoll, as well as a number of the videos, take up the issue from a […]

How did the United States shape the post-World War II organisation of the world economy? Explain in reference to EITHER finance, trade, development, OR energy.

How did the United States shape the post-World War II organisation of the world economy? Explain in reference to EITHER finance, trade, development, OR energy. With the coming of the 20th century, the tremendous shock which invested the global community, following the failure of humanity in harmoniously develop cohesive international relations, left a major challenge […]

Provide a research paper on the fundamentals of Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA) with respect to Hurricane Katrina.

Provide a research paper on the fundamentals of Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA) with respect to Hurricane Katrina. See attached documents. Ensure you don’t copy and paste information from a source into the essay. Essay needs to be original.

How can borders, (air)ports, detention centres and sweat factories be considered ‘necropolitical’ sites? Is violence today to be found more in these logistical ‘nodes’ than in inter-state wars?

Does our security over ‘here’ depend on the insecurity experienced and violence perpetrated in ‘sites of exception’ over ‘there’? Global insecurity and ‘exceptional sites’ Does our security over ‘here’ depend on the insecurity experienced and violence perpetrated in sites of ‘exception’? How can borders, (air)ports, detention centres and sweat factories be considered ‘necropolitical’ sites? Is […]

Compare and contrast dependency and modernization theories. Does World Systems Theory represent a significant theoretical contribution in development? Consider this in relation to dependency theories.

Select one question from the following:  Assess the following statement: “President Truman’s famous Presidential address is as relevant to development today as it was in 1949”. “By the 1950s, the economic and social costs of Africa’s colonial development had outweighed the gains.” Examine this statement with reference to any two European colonial powers. “Colonialism gave […]

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