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Explain why this source will be good for your research project: How does it support your research question? What sort of information does it provide? What have you learned from this source?

Class: ​SSH1099 Professor: ​Erin Jones Assignment: ​Writing Assignment #5: Research Process and 3 Sources Due: ​Friday, March 6 by 10pm (via Moodle) The short of it: ​Find three sources that you believe will support your research project. Analyze these sources and write about the research process that it took to get you there. The long […]

Analyze inter-professional and collaborative working strategies that may be used to overcome boundaries between professions.

INSTRUCTIONS In this essay you need to talk about social work but in the context of interprofessional boundaries. Read this articles: Human Factors: The Dirty dozen in CTG misinterpretation. From the Global Journal of Reproductive medicine https://juniperpublishers.com/gjorm/pdf/GJORM.MS.ID.555683.pdf Watch on YouTube “Safe Administration of Intrathecal Chemotherapy” and “Conjoined Twins an Impossible Decision.” Watch the YouTube video […]

What do you see as the principal causal factor, or factors?  How or why? Do you see a way forward?

What do you see as the most significant or important issue or aspect of these social relations for women today, or our world as we understand it moving forward? Why? What do you see as the principal causal factor, or factors?  How or why? Do you see a way forward? Feminism looks very different within […]

Comment on the biblical origins of the term, including the narrative context and then discuss how it used by English speakers today using the following opinion pieces:

Assignment Instructions What does “shibboleth” mean and where did the term come from? Comment on the biblical origins of the term, including the narrative context and then discuss how it used by English speakers today using the following opinion pieces: Safire, William. “Shattering Shibboleths.” New York Times, October 12, 1998. (This is an essay on the […]

Using the “Identify Important Issues Framework” document (in the Resources section), identify two significant issues in your own community.

Directions Now that you have examined issues of broad importance, it is time to focus on the needs of your own community. With so many significant issues affecting local communities, it can be hard to identify which causes are the most important. Think about the issues that your community is facing; what are the needs of local […]

Develop social action plans and/or efforts that reflect social justice principles;Understand the effect of historical and social contexts on the lived experiences of individuals, families, and communities who are oppressed or marginalized.

SWO-590 Advocacy and Social Action for Professional Social Workers (formerly SWO-523) Course Description The focus of this course is to understand relevant theories and strategies of advocacy and social action that promote social justice within organizations, the larger community, and society. Where advocacy assumes that individuals have rights and those rights are enforceable, social action […]

Identify and describe three signs of neglect, harm and abuse that are related to vulnerability factors in the service users in Scotland.

– Explain the purpose of the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) codes of practice. -Describe three duties and responsibilities related to safeguarding individuals in the care services in Scotland for the Elderly. – Identify and describe three signs of neglect, harm and abuse that are related to vulnerability factors in the service users in Scotland. […]

Does the book stress the dangers of the voyage to make it exciting? Does this work for you?

This is an essay talking about how do you think what the author think after reading the book. This is an academic essay.That means that you must argue your point using evidence from your book. To present the range of things they can write about in their essays. To present various ways of organizing their […]

Critically evaluate the impact on both professionals and service users making recommendations for future practice.

The workplace setting is a primary school in a deprived area with predominantly children for ethnic minority backgrounds. (do not mention the school name in the paper) The area the essay has to focus on is attendance policy. Below are some guidelines for the paper – Introduction to essay, the area chosen, i.e attendance policy. […]

Identify potential conflict(s) and points of agreement in terms of ethical arguments; Consider how gender, ethnicity, religion, age, sexuality, disability, and/or other differences.

SH5000 Ethics and Research in Professional Contexts Analysing the Case-Studies: When thinking about moral decision-making in professional contexts you may approach your analysis of a given dilemma by going through the following steps:   Identify the ethical issue(s) in the dilemma; Identify the different people involved, describe how each one might view the dilemma, and […]

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