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How do current managers and faculty members define/talk about/say is important about leading in the context of the hospitality and tourism industry?

Hospitality LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PLAN Assignment Overview The LDP assignment synthesizes phase one & two of the HTM 301 course into a personalized plan. This assignment will help students to initiate a personalized plan for enhancing HTM competencies within the context of coursework, meaningful experiences, and professional passions. Section One: Vision and Goals – This section […]

Use evidence, facts, and literature where necessary to support your rationale and reasoning in constructing the problem – tell us what type of reasoning you are using and why

Assignment Question 1: Briefly discuss the process of conducting research to provide a systematic solution for an industry-related problem, Questions 2: Choose a destination or company related to tourism, hospitality, or the event industry as a unit of your analysis and as your social lab. Then, identify a real-life problem related to your unit analysis, […]

Discuss the potential benefits and risks associated with implementing your proposed strategy.

Hospitality Title: Team Project 2 – Strategy Formulation and Core Competencies Objective: Building upon your team’s work from the first project, your team will now formulate an innovative and future-oriented strategy that can help your chosen company attain a competitive advantage over the next 5-10 years. You will also identify core competencies necessary for executing […]

Develop a comprehensive business plan that outlines your business strategy, financials, marketing plan, and operational procedures.

How to create a business in the field of tourism Conduct market research: Before starting a tourism business, it is essential to conduct thorough market research to gain an understanding of the target audience, industry trends, competition, and demand for your services. Determine your niche: Once you have conducted market research, it’s essential to identify […]

Discuss the importance of recipe costing-why is it necessary-Identify the importance and use of food cost percentages

EXCEL SHEET OF MENU COSTING AND ENGINEERING OF FOOD PRODUCTS Discuss the importance of recipe costing-why is it necessary • Identify the importance and use of food cost percentages • Identify guidelines for costing out a recipe • Discuss menu pricing techniques • Introduction to menu engineering  

What is the difference between a franchised hotel and a managed hotel?-What are some of the challenges associated with operating a hotel?

Chapter 9: Hotel and Lodging Operations What are the three primary types of hotels? What is the difference between a franchised hotel and a managed hotel? What are some of the challenges associated with operating a hotel? Chapter 10: Restaurant Operations What are the different types of restaurants? What is the difference between a chain […]

Discuss in detail one other action you would recommend that the City take to ensure their tourism industry remains sustainable and explain why you are making this recommendation.

Assignment #2 – Sustainable City Tourism Research Travel+Leisure  (https://www.travelandleisure.com)  The Editor of “Travel+Leisure” (link is above), one of the world’s largest and most reputable online travel “magazines” has contacted you.  She has heard that you are studying tourism, and she asked you to prepare an article about sustainable tourism in your favourite City. Specifically, she […]

Calculate the average annual return of the S&P 500 for the last 10 years obtained from Yahoo Finance

Estimating the cost of equity and WACC for hospitality and tourism companies.  Objective: The objective of this homework is to provide students with an understanding of cost of equity and WACC analysis in the hospitality and tourism industry sector. Students will be able to compare and contrast the cost of capital of two publicly traded […]

Choose two factors that differentiate the brands well and create a strategic map that visualizes the competitive landscape.

ASSIGNMENT Strategic group analysis and Porter’s Five Forces analysis 1.Evaluate each brand for five factors using a 1 to 5 scale or categorical evaluation. Example factors are size(small to large), location (local, regional, national, international), price/quality (low to high), location (urban, suburban, rural, airport), customer segment (business, family, leisure, luxury), and brand identity (traditional, trendy, […]

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