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Create an idea /program/ event for public how to make a cultural space / design museum get close to community? (this whole novel idea should be thought and targeted toward Korean society)

Find out the current status of the business market based on statistics or sources, (last sentence is very important) Define what the problem is, Compare & Contrast with status quo, Develop your novel idea, and insist for better cultural world based on your hypothesis. Reference files are attached, so please check them out, it might […]

What is its social context or how does it communicate its meaning. Are there any logistical issues that are significant. Is the show saying something new or re-interpreting something familiar.

Describe the general information of exhibition first, and artwork and specific focusing on 1-2 of artwork when you describe of artwork, more focus on Mary Blair artwork.   Exhibition critical article review or personal essay. Based on another exhibition you choose and visit, write an exhibition review to academic standards. (Tip: this type of review […]

Select two works of art in the textbook from chapters 1-8 and/or 17-21 that exemplify three-dimensional materials, tools, and processes.

Three-dimensional Materials, Tools, and Process. Writing Assignment Guidelines; Select two works of art in the textbook from chapters 1-8 and/or 17-21 that exemplify three-dimensional materials, tools, and processes. Describe how each work was made, and explain how the medium is related to each works’ meaning. You may use the information from chapters 9-16 as your […]

Write a summarizing overview of your “Exhibition of World Art,” highlighting key similarities and distinctions between the objects you have curated.

Imagine you are a curator at your local city’s Museum of Art. You have been asked to organize a small exhibition of objects of art from the cultures of Asia, Africa, and Oceania. Your exhibition should include representative objects that highlight significant and essential ideas of each culture. You may plan to include actual objects […]

How has implementation and evaluation been considered within this policy design will it actually address the problem.

GROUP WORK ASSIGNMENT Policy analysis: Student 2 (1700 word) The policy analysis is a group assignment. Students will choose a recent policy/ program paper released by Federal, State or Local Government. The policy analysis should be set out as outlined below. A Policy Analysis Template is provided for your use Analyses the policy problem or […]

Discuss how this dance technique was developed out of Denishawn isolations, Modern grounded floor work, and ballet aesthetic lines to merge with current culture music to form this popular style of dance.

Jack Cole was significant to the history of American Dance for his ability to legitimize commercial dance from a loosely gathered form of entertainment to the development of jazz (and tap) technique as a respectable, truly American form of dance. Discuss how this dance technique was developed out of Denishawn isolation, Modern grounded floor work, […]

Examine your artwork further by discussing the medium used and the artist’s technique and application of materials. Is the object two- or three-dimensional?

ARH2000 Art & Culture Page 1 of 5 Museum Report, Part ONE 12 points / 12% of final grade Submit your essay via the link provided in CANVAS Your work will be checked via TurnItIn, the University’s plagiarism detection service. The Museum Report is a process paper, to be completed in two (2) stages. These […]

Write a comparative analysis between a feature documentary and the fictional feature film of the same event (eg. Milk, Battle of Sexes, Man on Wire/The walk etc.).

Details of task: Using any of the set screening films or those in the optional screening list posted on Moodle, write a comparative analysis between a feature documentary and the fictional feature film of the same event (eg. Milk, Battle of Sexes, Man on Wire/The walk etc.). The analysis may choose to focus on one […]

Write a critical analysis of a specific work featured in the exhibit. Include the name of the artist, the title of the piece, the date, and the medium.  Describe the piece in detail using terminology you have learned in class.  Analyze the content of the work and discuss why you think the work is important.

Museum Review Instructions Art museum reviews: Three art museum reviews make up 40% of the final grade.  During the semester you will be required to visit at least one art museum to complete your museum reviews.  Each review must be a minimum of 750 words. Be prepared to spend some time at the museum(s).  Many […]

Describe one of the broad theories you have learned about in class (auteur theory, genre theory, formalist theory) and analyze your selected film through that lens.

Your paper should be organized around a thesis statement that clarifies what you will attempt to accomplish in your paper, and how you will proceed. Identify your selected film, including writer, director, year of release, and genre. Briefly summarize the film in which you apply your knowledge of the difference between the film’s story and […]

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