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Analyze and discuss how women, blacks, Hispanics, and Native Americans, were impacted by the Depression and New Deal.

Review and identify relevant sections of Chapters 23, 24, and 25. Transcript of Roosevelt’s 1936 radio address discussing the New Deal. Utilize at least one of the linked sources provided in this assignment to support your discussion. Identify and incorporate at least one additional outside source to support your discussion. In addition to the textbook, […]

Explain differences in approach between African American leaders Booker T. Washington & W. E.B.DuBois . Specifically address differences in their approaches in the following areas and explain WHY they differed in each case: Views on blacks’ Education & Why? Views on whether or not to accept Segregation and Why?

A. Explain differences in approach between African American leaders Booker T. Washington & W. E. B.DuBois . Specifically address differences in their approaches in the following areas and explain WHY they differed in each case: Views on blacks’ Education & Why? Views on whether or not to accept Segregation and Why? Do NOT describe the […]

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