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What Visual Elements and Principles of Design does the artist emphasize and how?What is your informed opinion of the artwork? Why

Choose an artist who was or still is working during the 20th or the 21st century (After 1900). Choose one of their works to write about. Do not use an artwork illustrated in your textbook. Using what you have learned in class in addition to outside research, write a 5 page paper about that work […]

Find out what the arguments were for and against and pull out the specifics of the work from what you can research and relate it to the 2009 NSA report information.

Find a bloodstain case, likely from the media, and do as much research on it as possible. You will need to get specifics about the bloodstain pattern analysis work and its role in the case. You will not get the actual reports of course, but you will need enough research, with enough depth, to know […]

Briefly describe four critiques Professor Sinclair makes of the conventional perspective on media.

Case Study 2: Advertising, Media and Globalization Briefly describe four assumptions about media globalization that Professor Sinclair presents. 10 points each (40 total) Briefly describe four critiques Professor Sinclair makes of the conventional perspective on media.10 points each (40 total) Briefly describe how Professor Sinclair’s perspective expands our understanding of media globalization. (20 points)

Discuss how a cyber warrior can use a social networking site to gain information.

This assignment consists of two questions (below) to test your knowledge and assimilation of the course objectives. You are to pick one and answer it in a 4-6 page essay. The assignment rubric is included for your review. Grading will be based on the rubric. Make sure you follow AMU’s writing policies and the Chicago […]

How does television engage with or contribute to a culture of emotionalism and performances of affect? Make your argument in relation to either reality TV or serial drama examples.

-How do certain social networking accompaniments (for example the Internet and smart phone apps) to television utilise and yet transform discourses of liveness? -Discuss how changes in the US/UK television ecologies can be argued to have opened up spaces for a more feminised form of factual and/or fictional content. -Are the kinds of factual and […]

Discuss how documentary style videos and the rise of Media Convergence and online distribution has influenced the way users choose to engage with said documentaries in the age of streaming media like Netflix, Youtube and others (taking media convergence into account).

Research and discuss documentary-style videos and their Modern Day Audiences within the context of Streaming Media. The report should consider: The modern audience for documentaries including online viewing patterns and the impact on video production and distribution. Analyze research findings to reach coherent conclusions. Findings must be backed with authoritative cited research and correct Harvard […]

Highlight, if necessary, some of the bigger and more important things you believe you found and have proven.

 Virtual Communities Paper Suggested Outline NOTE: All length suggestions are JUST suggestions! Of course, depending on your project and writing style, lengths of sections will turn out differently. This is perfectly expected, but DO consider why you spend more or less space explaining something. Ask yourself: (if too long) do you need all this information? […]

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