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Provide some support for why you believe this to be the case. You do not specifically have to compare/contrast the two categories, but you may if you wish.

Chapters 4-9 in our text examine a number of broad categories of theories concerning why crime occurs, ranging from Rational Choice to Social Conflict/Critical Criminology, Strain Theory, exc.. In your view, which of these broad categories makes the most sense to you in explaining criminal activity? Which one do you like best? What are its […]

Give two reasons why a conflict perspective might not be suitable for today’s American Society? Distinguish between Structural and instrumental criminology.

(a) Distinguish between Differential association theory and Differential identification theory [1 point]. (b) Name two short comings of the social process theories are: (a) and (b) [1 point]. (c) Give an example of societal imposition of positive label [point 1]. (d) Two reasons is it so difficult to impose positive labels on individuals who were […]

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