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Are there any articles or pieces of information regarding the reactions of the public when seeing the leader get emotional?

ASSIGNMENT Women in positions of power often have a difficult time knowing how they should manage their emotions. Too much emotion does not fit the stereotype of a leader, yet no emotion does not fit the stereotype of a woman, so it often feels like a lose–lose battle for women leaders. Look up two recognized […]

Write a reflective report expressing your opinion and attitude concisely and coherently on one of the following topics

Reflective Report: Writing Allocated Mark :30   A reflective paper calls on the writer to express your own views of an experience. Write a reflective report expressing your opinion and attitude concisely and coherently on one of the following topics: 1.  Best Travelling Experience 2.  High School Experience VS University Experience 3.  Experience of Learning […]

Calculate the difference between Herschel, and Hashim’s total repayments.

ASSIGNMENT A photocopier valued at 1124 000 depreciates at a rate of 18% P. as the reducing-balance method. Also how many years seal its value be R.15 000? A car that costs 15130 000 is advertised in the following way: ‘NO deposit necessary and first payment due three months after date of puAllase ‘ The […]

Develop one question yourself that can be answered with the information included in this dataset. Write the code to answer the question, and include a visualization.

Python TASK Instructions: All code should be submitted as PDF and not as a picture (you can use pictures for your flowcharts only). PDFs should be submitted as a primary resource, and a zip file including the .ipynb file and any additional files (for instance, a picture or pdf for your flowchart) as a secondary […]

Choose any platform except FaceBook that you might use for a Real Estate social media campaign. Look up what analytic tools they have to offer.

Channel/ Platform Metrics Choose any platform except FaceBook that you might use for a Real Estate social media campaign. Look up what analytic tools they have to offer. Chart the tools so they and clearly state what type of metric the tool will measure.  

Create a list of Works Cited using MLA Format and include the following information: Authors’ names, the article’s title, journal name, volume number, page numbers, the date of the article, and the URL link to your sources.

Health education Assignment Conduct an online search through the Cuyamaca College Library Database. You will research the topic associated with the first letter of your last name from the list above. Use the Cuyamaca College Library Database, https://www.cuyamaca.edu/academics/library/index.p… Links to an external site.. Choose two library sources (research study, magazine, or news article) on your […]

What types of messages do you receive about sex and gender roles from media? Is it possible to avoid them? How?

Drawing interests in the intersections of gender, sexuality, race, and media. This essay will be about Drawing interests in the intersections of gender, sexuality, race, and media. Questions to stimulate your topic selection: What types of messages do you receive about sex and gender roles from media? Is it possible to avoid them? How? How […]

What was Fisher’s Quantity Theory of Money Equation? Identify and explain each variable. Explain the relationship Fischer said existed between inflation and interest rates.

Economics Problem Set 1.) What was Fisher’s Quantity Theory of Money Equation? Identify and explain each variable. Explain the relationship Fischer said existed between inflation and interest rates. 2.) Keynes’ theory was not a radical break from Classical Economics like Marx but it still represented a significant deviation in many areas; economically, politically and even […]

What are the 5 – 7 most important ideas, concepts, or “words of wisdom” in the chapter?

FINAL PROJECT HANDOUT For your final project, you will create and present a PowerPoint presentation (via Youtube or Loom) on one chapter in the textbook. You may choose from any of the chapter. Submissions will be uploaded via CANVAS. Regarding your recordings please aim for a 10-minute presentation. The goals of the project are two-fold: […]

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