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Provide thoughtful responses to the issues outlining how to operate the franchise business.

Franchising As a part of the restaurant’s long-range marketing plan, your company purchased property nationwide from the now-bankrupted “Sahara Dessert Dish” franchise properties. Based on your discussion and strategic plan, your company agreed that it was time to launch its nationwide strategy rolling out the company’s patented dessert brand, “Brain Freeze.” Your company’s financial information […]

Do you need to modify Your Business Plan? What needs to be included? Will your Personnel Adapt to your growth plans? Why or why not?

Subject: Other Topic: Growing the Business and Franchising CASE Ally now has won three Michelin Stars and has become the first three-star restaurant in North America. The presentation of the Michelin Award goes to those ambitious chefs and restaurants for their culinary excellence. It’s the most prestigious international culinary award presented to qualified establishments and […]

Discuss the growth strategies a small business might consider is becoming a franchisor.Assess two advantages and two disadvantages of franchising as a growth strategy? In addition, explain and analyse three qualities that a franchisor should look for in potential franchisees for their firm.

Description Becarful refer to page 10 and onwards. It is the individual report. Question 1: Franchising Essay (2500 words) Please write an essay with the following title:- One of the growth strategies a small business might consider is becoming a franchisor. From the point of view of a franchisor critically assess two advantages and two […]

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