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Develop the question you want to address from the list or get one approved. Plan the approach and analysis you will take to address the question. Define your terms.

Select one topic. Develop the question you want to address from the list or get one approved. Plan the approach and analysis you will take to address the question. Define your terms. Do not assume concepts like universal healthcare are commonly understood. If that were the term, one would need to describe who will provide […]

Identify 2-3 of the following class concepts: vague/ambiguous language, credibility, cognitive bias, rhetoric, logical fallacies, generalizations, arguments from analogy, cause and effect reasoning, and value judgments about morality/law/aesthetics.

For this video presentation, you will pick one item that addresses a current issue and make connections to class concepts. The item may be print or video and may be the product of any source. TV commercials can be a great source for this analysis, because you will need to identify, and present which rhetorical […]

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