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George Washington was at the center of the military efforts for the American troops in the Revolution. Was he an effective commander?

George Washington was at the center of the military efforts for the American troops in the Revolution. Was he an effective commander? If so, what were some steps that he took during the war that made him so effective? If not, what are some examples of this lack of effectiveness?

What events and ideas led to the belief in 1787/1788 that the Articles of Confederation were not working well?

Discuss 1) What events and ideas led to the belief in 1787/1788 that the Articles of Confederation were not working well? 2)What were the major arguments between the federalists and the antifederalists? How did these arguments shape the Constitution? 3) In what ways is the Constitution different from the Articles of Confederation? 4) What does […]

Describe the event itself and its significance to the nation.

The four presidents who followed George Washington faced critical foreign policy decisions. For each of those presidents—John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and James Monroe—discuss one key foreign policy event. Describe the event itself and its significance to the nation.

List and discuss the presidency of George Washington. What precedents did Washington set as president?

Introduction paragraph can be short and doesn’t need a thesis. About 2 paragraphs per question. Sources only from website with .edu or .org, and in-text citations. Bibliography will be the fourth page. 1. Compare and contrast the Articles of Confederation to the Constitution. Why was the nation having difficulties functioning under the Articles? 2. List […]

How many of us learned about George Washington chopping down a cherry tree, and his being unable to lie about it?

Frankly, many popular stories and grade-school lessons about U.S. History are myths that Americans have perpetuated throughout the centuries. In some cases, they may be half-truths, while in others, they just never happened. How many of us learned about George Washington chopping down a cherry tree, and his being unable to lie about it? It […]

In Rip Van Winkle, why do you think it is significant that the portrait of King George is replaced by the portrait of George Washington and Van Winkle cannot tell the difference between the two?

In Rip Van Winkle, why do you think it is significant that the portrait of King George is replaced by the portrait of George Washington and Van Winkle cannot tell the difference between the two? In the Legend of Sleepy Hollow, how does Irving use Nature as both a narrative device? Look closely at the […]

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