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How are these non-living microbes able to produce without metabolic functions? Which viruses are able to stay dormant in the human body and reactive later in life or when immune defenses are compromised?

Viruses are considered non-living microbes, and yet they are responsible for many major disease outbreaks in humans, animals, and even plants. How are these non-living microbes able to produce without metabolic functions? Which viruses are able to stay dormant in the human body and reactive later in life or when immune defenses are compromised?

What are the membranes that make up the two fluid compartments? What is defined as an inorganic compound that dissociates into ions and is closely related to fluid balance?

Fluid, Electrolytes, and Acid/Base Balancing What are the two fluid compartments of the human body and roughly how much fluid is in each compartment? What are the membranes that make up the two fluid compartments? What is defined as an inorganic compound that dissociates into ions and is closely related to fluid balance? What is […]

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