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What specific charts are commonly used to visually depict the data? What might be some areas for improvement regarding how the data is visually presented?

Humanities Consider your organization, or an organization you are most familiar with. Explain the general process of data aggregation for a typical metric (e.g., sales revenue, cost per unit, etc.) used in the organization. What specific charts are commonly used to visually depict the data? What might be some areas for improvement regarding how the […]

Discuss “Ethnicity and Family Therapy”

Humanities Picks one ethnic group (American Indian/Native American families) different from his/her ethnicity to research, and present on. Each student prepares a promotional Microsoft PowerPoint presentation of the American Indian/Native American family’s ethnicity. PowerPoint should be short, concise, and straight to the essential points. Read the family of your choice from the “Ethnicity and Family […]

What impact does the introduction of Indian cotton textiles have on Europe socially and economically?

Humanities 1. What impact does the introduction of Indian cotton textiles have on Europe socially and economically? 2. Explain what a “high-level equilibrium trap” is in relation to population, and what led China to reach that by 1800. 3. In what ways did Napoleon change France and Europe? 4. What natural resources helped to prepare […]

How do you think other people (who know you well) would describe your interactive style?

Humanities Mindy is a sixteen-year-old court ordered client who you have been working with for six months. She was arrested and found guilty of shoplifting and initially did not seem very concerned about her future. Recently Mindy has opened up and told you that her boyfriend Nick was the one who pressured her to shoplift. […]

Did they initiate new forms and break conventions through innovation? Were they “revolutionary” in positive and/or negative ways as we look back from today’s perspective on them?

Humanities Considering three major movements in Western Culture (Realist, Modern, Post-Modern), discuss and cite your reasons for what you consider to be the most significant contributions in Art, as they have impacted and influenced our contemporary times.(you may choose ONE work: Painting, Literature, Architecture, or Music from EACH period: Realist, Modern, Post-Modern). By “most significant” […]

What ethical principles should be considered when doing research with indigenous communities?

Humanities Chose one question to answer These questions are all about social research ethics. 1. What is covert research? What are advantages of covert research? What are disadvantages of covert research? What ethical principles support the choice for covert research? 2. What ethical principles should be considered when doing research with indigenous communities? 3. Can […]

Briefly discuss the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path. What did the Buddha say was the fundamental problem(s) of life?

Humanities Briefly discuss the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path. What did the Buddha say was the fundamental problem(s) of life? What did you find interesting about these religious teachings? Briefly discuss the concept of Nirvana in Buddhism. Research a sect of Buddhism and share at least 4 things that you learned about this […]

Examine some of the influences of this work of art. What was the public reaction to this work? Does it effectively portray its message?

Although social justice art is not a topic exclusive to the 20th and 21st centuries, the distribution of information regarding controversial art with gender, race, sexual, and/or environmental themes has increased with the proliferation of media. Choose an example of a social justice work of art from the 20th or 21st centuries from any discipline […]

Analyze how Hammurabi’s laws stood the test of justice for the female population and reflect the attitude of the Mesopotamian society for women from the lens of social change.

Humanities Analyze how Hammurabi’s laws stood the test of justice for the female population and reflect the attitude of the Mesopotamian society for women from the lens of social change. Discuss the status of women while analyzing his codes of conduct for women. Comment on your agreement or disagreement to his codes for women. Give […]

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