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How have companies used the idea proposed by the authors of the article? In other words, what are the practical implications for managers, scientists, or entrepreneurs, depending on the case?

Make a deep analysis of the Tesla article and answer the following questions: 1. The main message of the article 2. How have companies used the idea proposed by the authors of the article? In other words, what are the practical implications for managers, scientists, or entrepreneurs, depending on the case? Use examples from the […]

Based on your study and your experience, comment on how fixed costs affect decision making in the short run. Provide some examples to support your answer.

Description Understanding production costs is a critically important concept for managers. In the short run, managers must consider variable costs and fixed costs. Based on your study and your experience, comment on how fixed costs affect decision making in the short run. Provide some examples to support your answer. PLEASE ADD IN A BIBLICAL PERSPECTIVE

Explain how the personalities of workers, colleagues, managers, and subordinates interact with one or more leadership models to create the most effective work environment.

-Discuss the leadership precepts your interviewee imparted to you (or what can you glean on the topic as a result of your interview). -Describe how the leadership precepts dovetail with one or more of the modern theories of leadership. -Explain how the personalities of workers, colleagues, managers, and subordinates impact your performance in, and experience […]

Critically analyse this document using the checklist you have developed. Comment in particular on the strengths and limitations of the plan and the degree to which it meets the needs of its target audience.

Item 1 Managers within a strategic business unit or small organisation can make use of a variety of strategic techniques ideas and tools as part of the business planning process. Critically review the value of the main tools that exist to determine the most appropriate bases of competitive advantage including Porter’s thinking on generic strategies. […]

Describe how transformational leadership style may influence the process of investigating this professional nurse colleague that reports to one of your unit managers.

Description Scenario You have recently started a position as a department director with five managers reporting to you. Earlier today, one of your managers reports that a client expired on her unit. She suspects that a factor that may have contributed to the client’s demise may be related to actions of a nurse on her […]

What is the specific problem affecting workplace morale?What specific motivational strategy can be used to solve the problem?Discuss

Issues with morale at the workplace are common in many industries. Often, these problems can be overcome by managers employing a specific motivational strategy to help improve morale. Find an example of a workplace suffering from motivational issues ( a case study that you research). Determine the best motivational strategy to apply to the problem. […]

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